Google Meet has been a pioneer in the world of web-based video conferencing, delivering a robust experience entirely within your web browser. Over the years, Google has consistently upped its game, integrating new features to enhance your virtual meetings. In this review, we'll take a closer ...
Einer der interessantesten Neuzugänge im Videochat-Ökosystem ist Google Meet. Lassen Sie uns einen Blick darauf werfen, wie die Google Meet-App funktioniert und wie Sie sie nutzen können, um noch produktiver zu werden. Was ist die Google Meet-App? Es ist nicht ganz einfach, den ...
Series One was born from the need for a discreet, people focused conferencing system that’s purpose built for Meet on Chrome OS. More immersive meetings It’s more important than ever to provide an experience that helps people feel like they’re working together, not just meeting together. T...
Google Meet 是一款高畫質視訊通話應用程式,讓你和親朋好友、同事及同學無論身在何處,都能展開有趣的深入互動。 Meet 能讓你自由選擇與他人交流的方式,例如隨興撥打電話、共同安排時間,或傳送對方可以稍後觀看和回覆的影片訊息。 Meet 還可協助你完成諸多事務。Meet
The TeamViewer Remote Control add-on allows your team to work off the same screen all within Google Meet. Simplified in-browser experience TeamViewer runs in the web browser for the supporter. For end-users that don’t have TeamViewer already, an executable downloads automatically. Get started ...
借助Google Meet 插件 SDK,您可以将应用作为插件嵌入到 Google Meet 中,让用户无需离开 Meet 即可在应用中发现、分享和协作。 开发者可以在Google Workspace Marketplace中注册其应用,用户和管理员可以通过该平台搜索、发现和安装插件。用户还可以直接从 Meet 界面发现和安装应用。
Meet and collaborate seamlessly with Webex and Google. Stop switching apps throughout the day. Get more done and enjoy better collaboration experiences with Webex and Google integrations. Webex Progressive Web App (PWA) for ChromeOS Join Webex PWA for faster and easier meetings, calling, messaging ...
Use Google Meet features in the new Meet app Google Duo has been upgraded to include both video calling and meeting capabilities on mobile and web. Once fully rolled out, your app and icon will also update to Google Meet . Learn how to update your app on Android devices. When communicating...
使用您的 Google 账号 电子邮件地址或电话号码 忘记了电子邮件地址? 您用的不是自己的电脑?请使用访客模式无痕登录。详细了解如何使用访客模式 下一步 创建账号 简体中文 帮助 隐私权 条款
1 下载量 点击下载离线安装教程谷歌商店 介绍 在Google Meet 中打开或关闭麦克风或摄像头时触发 Webhook。 当麦克风和摄像头从静音更改为取消静音时,此扩展程序会调用用户定义的 Webhook。 每个Webhook 都将使用内容类型为 application/json 的 POST 进行调用。