Google Meet 视频通话服务近日获得更新,允许用户自定义通话时的背景。目前这项新功能仅面向桌面端用户开放。除了预设的办公场景、风景照以及抽象照片之外,用户也可以上传自己喜欢的照片作为视频聊天时的背景。 想要在视频通话之前更改你的背景,你只需要简单选中某个会议,在底部右侧点击“Change Background”(更改背景)即可。
Google Meet的变更背景不归Google Inc.所有,也不属于Google Inc.的许可,也不是其子公司。 评分: 3.6星(共5星),共84位用户参与评分 使用人数: 9,000+ 位用户 版本: 3.0.0 大小: 523KB 分类: 生产工具 提供方: 支持语言: 印尼语、马来语、德语、英语、...
Google Meet is getting background effects improvements that brings better foreground separationg, and support for cloud-based processing for older devices. - SamMobile
If you’re wondering how to use Google Meet to schedule a meeting, ignore the steps above. Instead, go straight to Google Calendar. Then click on a date or time to create a run-of-the-mill event. (Yes, it really is that easy.) Right in the event creation window, you’ll see a ...
How to blur your background before joining a Google Meet call If you're presenting on an important call, you probably want to make sure you have the nursery part of your office nursery hidden before joining. On desktop Click on the invite to join the video call. On the Ready to join...
Why don’t have background set. The video had background set before,but now it’s gone. 開發者回覆, Hi there. To use the Change Background and effects option, your device must meet specific requirements. Learn more about these qualifications per platform at: Fo...
In a recent Workspace Updatesblog, Google mentions (viaAndroidPolice) that you can now change your background to an animated video on both the Android app and Gmail's integrated version of Meet. The feature currently offers six options, including a classroom, party, and beach, with more optio...
Since the interface of Google Meet is the same for both Android and iOS devices, with these steps, you should easily blur the background or change your background to something funny that’ll put a smile on everyone’s face. When is it appropriate to blur the background?
步驟1.使用行動裝置開啟 Google Meet。從底部工具欄中尋找並選擇背景。 步驟2.您可以套用模糊背景,美麗的海灘、藍天等,即時檢視虛擬效果。 步驟3.一旦您對變更後的背景感到滿意,即可執行或繼續 Google 會議。 額外提示:如何在 Windows/Mac 上錄製 Google Meet ...
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