Maven Artifact: final class GoogleAdWordsLinkedService extends LinkedServiceGoogle AdWords service lin...
调用 Cloud Translation API 时,您必须提供项目编号(或 ID)。 In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project. Go to project selector 启用结算功能 您必须启用结算功能才能使用 Cloud Translation。如需详细了解 Cloud Translation 价格,请参阅价格页面。
Maven Artifact: final class GoogleCloudStorageLinkedService extends LinkedServ...
You will also need to set up the local development environment by installing the Google Cloud SDK and running the following commands in command line: gcloud auth login and gcloud config set project [YOUR PROJECT ID]. Installation and setup You'll need to obtain the google-cloud-iot library. ...
🚌 In October 2022, this library has moved togoogle-cloud-java/java-vision. This repository will be archived in the future. Future releases will appear in the new repository ( The Maven artifact coordinates (
Add Google Maven repository and sync project 有可能的解决方法如下: 在项目的build.gradle中修改如下: buildscript { repositories { maven{ url''}//jcenter()google() } dependencies { classpath''//NOTE: Do ...
Before saving packages from Google Maven Repository, make sure you have set up your project to connect to your feed. If you haven't done so already, follow the instruction in the project setup to set up your Maven project and connect to your feed....
Before saving packages from Google Maven Repository, make sure you have set up your project to connect to your feed. If you haven't done so already, follow the instruction in the project setup to set up your Maven project and connect to your feed....
at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.server.MavenEmbedderWrapper.customizeForResolve( at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.server.MavenEmbedderWrapper.customizeForResolve( at org.jetbrains.idea.maven.project.MavenProjectsTree.executeWithEmbedder(
includingGoogle Kubernetes Engine. Cloud Code features Google's command-line container tools Skaffold, Jib and Kubectl. Skaffold enables continuous development for Kubernetes apps. Jib enables Java developers to build containers using tools they know, such as Maven and Gradle. And Kubec...