This is an icon library of 7,687 icons and graphics, perfect for user interface and experience design. It's designed and maintained by Google, so the icons are naturally well-designed for all sorts of needs and use-cases. Icons included in this Figma plugin are related to the following ca...
The infamous Google Gemini (previously Bard), now recreated in Figma ✨ Using AutoLayout, and the official Material 3 Design Kit only. Fully responsive, and beautiful, with views in Desktop, Mobile and Tablet. Succumbed to the huge public response, we
Figma 相信设计师都比较熟悉了,近两年流行起来的,在强大的Adobe及Sketch设计软件的竞争下,采用云上高效协同,完全不受操作平台限制,开辟了一条设计工具的新道路,得到设计师的高度好评,用户量飞速增长,很鲜艳的颜色,很强的描边,简单而高效,在众多的大牌设计软件中找到了协作的通点,快速占领市场。 图片来自网络 Horizon...
automotive-design-compose Public Automotive Design for Compose is an extension to Jetpack Compose that allows every screen, component, and overlay of your Android App to be defined in Figma, and lets you see the latest changes to your Figma design in your app, immediately! Rust 126 Apache-...
编者按:Google I/O 大会之后,Material Design 也好不意外地随之进行了更新,作为目前最主流也是对当前设计影响最大的一种设计风格或者说设计准则,它的每一个改变都有着巨大的意义,以及非常实际的影响。在 Google I/O 大会之前,开发者 Raveesh Bhalla 对于 Material...
website, and it’s not hard to see why. Clean, stylish and smart while simultaneously professional and friendly, Roboto is the default font for Android and Chrome OS, and is the font of choice in Google’s Material Design system. Roboto is simple and highly readable, for web and mobile ...
@tphinneyActually not really, because it doesn't work with the new Material Symbols. I tried all the options of pyftsubset for an hour, but the ligatures are getting lost in the process. :( Fontsquirrel and fontello doesn't work either. ...
简单来说,谷歌的设计理念是将物理世界的体验带入到屏幕中,谷歌在设计语言里加入了现实生活的隐喻,这里的 material 指的是纸。 纸可以变换形状、配色。因为纸张的特性,所以 Material Design 更多采用卡片式设计。而卡片可以伸缩且模块化,所以在适配不同的屏幕的时候更具有优势。特别适用于安卓系统机型碎片化严重的场景。
Here are the essential info to explain the purpose of Google's Material Design and how it will affect the interface design process.
4)Figma 相信设计师都比较熟悉了,近两年流行起来的。 在强大的Adobe及Sketch设计软件的竞争下,采用云上高效协同,完全不受操作平台限制,开辟了一条设计工具的新道路,得到设计师的高度好评,用户量飞速增长,很鲜艳的颜色,很强的描边,简单而高效,在众多的大牌设计软件中找到了协作的通点,快速占领市场。