IT之家11 月 18 日消息,谷歌正计划为 Google Maps 引入名为 Live View 的增强现实(AR)地图功能,让智能手机用户更直观地搜索附近的餐馆、咖啡店和其它场所。 用户可以在 Google Maps 搜索栏中点击相机图标来启用该功能,启用之后用户可以看到包括商店、银行、ATM 自动取款机、酒吧在内的诸多周边信息。 IT之家了解...
Google 公布了计划应用于 Google Maps 的一系列新功能,其中包括有助于室内导航的新工具以及有关环保驾驶路线的建议。不过这些功能并不会一次性全部推出。最值得注意的是,Google 将 Live View 增强现实技术指引带到了机场、公交车站和购物中心内。Live View 指引功能可让你举起手机,将相机对准周围环境,并利用箭头和...
7LIVE VIEW 实景功能。这个可是小编的最爱了!把街头实景,机器学习,和手机传感器结合起来,你的手机地图就能实时地将现实场景通过AR方式结合起来! 只要在步行导航的状态下,点击“实景”或“live view”按钮,就可以实现。 再也不用傻乎乎在街头看着三角形指标转转转找方向了。 Google Maps + StudentUniverse 简直就是...
Google Maps将会有新的气象预测层及空气质量层,可显示各地的气候数据以及空气质量。(图片来源/Google) 准备在今年新增的地图功能,包括室内AR导航Indoor Live View、气象预测图层、空气质量图层、环保友善路径、所有路径的比较,以及因疫情而衍生的外带提醒功能。Live View为一结合实景与地图的徒步导航功能,且采用了...
Live View in Google Maps uses your iPhone's camera and GPS to provide augmented reality directions when you're walking somewhere, and this week Google announced that it's enhancing the feature and making it available in additional transit scenarios. In Live View, arrows, directions, and distance...
Google Maps and Waze are owned by the same company, but which app is actually the better option?
Google Maps:Google Maps 增加了一些新功能,包括 Live View 功能的增强版,可提供更精确的导航和 AR 导航,以及与 Google Assistant 的更好集成等。Project Starline:一种全新的视频通话技术,它使用深度学习和 3D 渲染技术,可以在不同的地点创造出逼真的 3D 视频会议效果。TensorFlow:Google 的机器学习框架 ...
Overall, Google Maps has everything you need to move around the city or go on a long road trip. It’s easy to use, fast, has a clean interface, and works like a charm. However, watch out for battery usage because this application drains power quite quickly. With this app in your po...
The last big, new toy for Google Maps users announced on Wednesday is an enhancement of Live View, the feature that lets you navigate from the street level using your phone’s camera. Google’s adding a search function to Live View, so if you need to grab some cash for the Hollywood ...
The plugin supports the functionality of Google Maps Street View, street locator, localization, and map widget. It also supports road maps, terrain, satellite, and hybrid views. Define the map’s dimensions and create it quickly. Add many layers—bicycle, traffic, transit, and weather. ...