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Terrain, Transit, and Biking Layers Uses of Google Maps The main draw of Google Maps, which gives it an edge in this Google Maps vs. Google Earth comparison, is its GPS feature which can guide you to any destination in the world, from your point of origin, through accurate directions. ...
Lets first start with the google maps code: varmap;functioninitialize() {varmapOptions = {center:newgoogle.maps.LatLng(52.4357808,4.991315699999973),zoom:2,mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN}; map =newgoogle.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"), mapOptions); }varseg = {1:'...
Google Maps is a proud product of Google Inc. and is a major part of their services. The Google Maps service was publicly launched in February 2005 and from
maps, downloadable offline Google maps, and 3D Google Maps. In addition, Google Maps street view lets users see exactly what their destination looks like from the street, while Google Maps satellite view and Google Maps earth view provide high-definition aerial views of the world’s terrain. ...
Google Maps Downloaderis a tool that can automatically download theGoogle Mapsimages to your PC. It can download the small tiles and save them to your hard disk, including thenormal maps, satellite maps, hybrid maps, terrain maps, customized stylers maps, etc. ...