Google has temporarily disabled Google Maps’ live traffic feature in Ukraine in order to protect citizens during the Russian invasion, reportViceandReuters. The feature, which uses anonymous location data collected from Android smartphones, is intended to give users a sense of how muchtraffic there...
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Had this been a larger conflict with a more powerful force than Ukraine's on the other side, it would have been trivial for a battery of cruise missile or drone strikes to have been delivered within minutes in an area denial effort, artillery barrages made, or other muniti...
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Google’s main concession to these objections was to mark Crimea as Russian territory for those viewing Google Maps in Russia while leaving it as ‘neutral’ for those in Ukraine. Since the beginning of the war, many big multinational corporations (including Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Apple, and...
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Russia has been vague about its intentions in Ukraine, but its troops may have been spotted online on Wednesday moving through the country. The traffic jam at 3:15 a.m. appeared on the road in Google Maps from Belgorod, Russia, to the Ukrainian border. ...
As part of its Maps map service,Googlealso offers a traffic tracking feature. This is practical in everyday life to avoid traffic jams. But this can be abused in wars, which is why Google is now deactivating this feature in Ukraine. The reason for this is that they want to protect the...
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