Porto Alegre Brésil 3 600 342 84 Nairobi Kenya 3 569 306 85 Cirebon Indonésie 3 539 753 86 Guangzhou Chine 3 520 460 87 Chittagong Bangladesh 3 513 304 88 Monterrey Mexique 3 501 803 89 Recife Brésil 3 446 622 90 Jiddah Arabie saoudite ...
GEE use has been growing very fast in the last few years. Several applications were developed, such as MapBiomas [14], which provide a historical dataset of land use maps; CoastSat that allows extracting coastlines from Landsat and Sentinel images [15]; and the extraction of bathymetry from...
Land cover maps obtained at high spatial and temporal resolutions are necessary to support monitoring and management applications in areas with many smallholder and low-input agricultural systems, as those characteristic in Mozambique. Various regional and global land cover products based on Earth Observat...