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Maps SDK.implementation'com.google.maps.android:android-maps-utils:3.11.1'//Optionally add the Kotlin Extensions (KTX) for full Kotlin language support//See latest version at https://github.com/googlemaps/android-maps-ktx//implementation 'com.google.maps.android:maps-utils-ktx:<latest-version>'...
Keep in mind that the Google Maps API isnot freefor heavy usage. Still, adding Google Maps on yourAboutandContactpages (or whatever couple of pages you need) is absolutely viable. Just create a billing account with Google Cloud Platform to get a $200 credit on Google Maps API every month...
Maps & Location picker don't work (Requires GMS). You can log in only on one device at the same time. Previous device will log out upon signing in on new device. Rootless Launcher 3.9.1 11 ❌ App crashes Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.9.1 13 ✅ Ruler (F-Droid) 1.1 12 ❌ While...
You can use the different options for data modification, like selecting the date range, Data control, filter, URL embedding, etc. It is handy for creating Analytic reports and filtering data concerning the time domain. Analytic Connectivity: If you have a Google Analytics account and want to in...
Nov 21, 2024 • Filed to: Photo/Video/Audio Solutions • Proven solutions Google Photos is widely regarded as one of the most secure cloud storage platforms available, allowing users to free up valuable space on their devices by effortlessly uploading their cherished memories. This platform gua...
Google is shutting down the web-based Google Maps Timeline feature, moving to an entirely on-device model, but the exact date will vary from user to user. The change is rolling out gradually, with the deletion deadline coming roughly six months after your account is notified of the shutdown...
Scrape Google Maps Photos without any limitations with SerpApi real-time API. Extract full size images, thumbnails, and user information.
Nestled into a new ‘Suggestions’ tab that shows up first in the Photos editor, the options displayed there “[use] machine learning to give you suggestions that are tailored to the specific photo you’re editing.” For now, this only includes three options—Color Pop, Black & White, and...
Maps/Waze NameEyesDescription Maps Open-source navigation app based on MAPS.ME. Searching for addresses doesn't always work and finding businesses can be a slight hassle, but overall one of the better apps I've used. OsmAnd OpenStreetMap for Android. (thanks u/masao77). As OsmAnd is prima...