此服务以之前发布的Google Maps作基础,卫星数据则来自NASA。用家可使用Google Moon观看月球凹凸不平的表面地形,当把地图放到最大时,月球表面会变成一片干酪。 Google SketchUp Google于2006年3月14日宣布收购3D绘图软体SketchUp及其开发公司@Last Software。SketchUp 是一套以简单易用著称的3D绘图软体,Google收购SketchUp...
We take a momentary digression from our usual Google obsession to recommend a handy document that anyone interested in American colleges and universities ought to have: the“Professor Pathfinder” U.S. College and University Reference Map, published byHedberg Maps, Inc. ...
College and University Reference Map, published by Hedberg Maps, Inc. I have one and keep it by my desk. It’s great for browsing and for imaginative exploration of the American higher education landscape. (And it’s an ideal reference for high school counselors advising their students on ...
此服务以之前发布的Google Maps作基础,卫星数据则来自NASA。用家可使用Google Moon观看月球凹凸不平的表面地形,当把地图放到最大时,月球表面会变成一片干酪。 Google SketchUp Google于2006年3月14日宣布收购3D绘图软体SketchUp及其开发公司@Last Software。SketchUp 是一套以简单易用著称的3D绘图软体,Google收购SketchUp...