我有一个使用 Google Maps JavaScript API 加载器的 Vue CLI 项目。我使用下面的代码导入加载程序:import { Loader } from "@googlemaps/js-api-loader"; 之后,我定义了加载器,如下所示:const loader = new Loader({ apiKey: "XXXXX", version: "weekly", libraries: ["places"] }); ...
inject the script tag as described here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/tutorial#Loading_the_Maps_API use the AjaxLoader: https://google-developers.appspot.com/loader/ You would add: at the top of the page and then load the map using: google.load("maps","...
import { Loader } from '@googlemaps/js-api-loader'; const apiKey= 'my-api-key';//1. 创建 loaderconst loader =newLoader({ apiKey, version:'weekly',//by default 也是 'weekly',要指定版本就放 version: '3.40'}); Loader,顾名思义,它就是用来加载 Google Maps Library 用的。 //2. 加载...
apiKey, channel, client, id = DEFAULT_ID, libraries = [], language, region, version, mapIds, nonce, retries = 3, url = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js", }: LoaderOptions) { this.version = version; this.apiKey = apiKey; ...
var map; var autocomplete; var marker; var hintDiv; function initMap() { // Initialisiere die Karte map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), { center: {lat: 51.1657, lng: 10.4515}, zoom: 6, mapTypeId: 'roadmap', mapTypeControl: false, streetView...
Python|使用 Google Static Maps API 获取指定位置的 google 地图图像(1) Python|使用 Google Static Maps API 获取指定位置的 google 地图图像 google maps js on map load - Javascript代码示例 loader - Html 代码示例 google maps places 自动完成 api - Javascript (1) 安装css-loader 和 style-load...
Describe the bug 🐛 I use @googlemaps/js-api-loader explicitly on a page where google-map-react is not used. However, when I navigate between this page and one that does use google-map-react (or vice-versa) I get the following warning: Go...
Step 3. Adding a Marker to a Google Map Now we’re going to create a simple HTML web page, populate it with a Google Map, and then place a marker on it. To start, here’s code for a simple, barebones HTML webpage: <!DOCTYPEhtml><!-- @license Copyright 2019 Google...
npm i -S @react-google-maps/api importReactfrom'react'import{GoogleMap,useJsApiLoader}from'@react-google-maps/api'constcontainerStyle={width:'400px',height:'400px',}constcenter={lat:-3.745,lng:-38.523,}functionMyComponent(){const{isLoaded}=useJsApiLoader({id:'google-map-script',googleMa...
在應用程式中加入 API 金鑰 開啟專案的local.properties檔案。 加入以下字串,然後將YOUR_API_KEY替換成您的 API 金鑰值: MAPS_API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY 建構應用程式時,Secrets Gradle Plugin for Android會複製 API 金鑰,並將該金鑰當成 Android 資訊清單的建構變數使用,相關詳情請見下方說明。