google-maps之州/省的地理边界 -> Google Maps Polygon 我正在构建一个 Web 应用程序,该应用程序将根据按钮和点击事件在 Google map 上动态突出显示某些美国州和加拿大省份。 计划A) 多边形 我的主要想法是绘制多边形。为此,我需要所有州和省轮廓(顺时针或逆时针)的坐标列表(纬度 + 经度)。在政府网站上,我发现...
I have a field named city (e.g.'city' : 'New York') but I want to narrow down to a city's area/neighborhood level e.g. "Soho". The idea to solve the problem this way is based on Google's new maps. If we type area or zip code we see the red-dotted polygon of that area...
google.maps.Polygon.prototype.Distance = function() { var dist = 0; for (var i=1; i < this.getPath().getLength(); i++) { dist += this.getPath().getAt(i).distanceFrom(this.getPath().getAt(i-1)); } return dist; } google.maps.LatLng.prototype.distanceFrom = function(newLatLn...
embed maps built with google mymaps into your blog Google MyMaps lets you create a custom map with numerous markers, polygons, lines, embedded images and videos. This tool lets you embed that map into your blog or any other site by selecting yourdesired center spot, zoom level, map type...
htmlgoogle-mapspolygon 4 是否可能使用Google Maps API V3创建一个Web应用程序,使用自定义图像来代表各个国家或地区,并且可以通过鼠标悬停和点击来切换? 我已经查看了google.maps.GroundOverlay和ProjectedOverlay,但是还没有找到解决方案。如果能够提供示例就更好了。谢谢。 - Tudor Ravoiu1... 你可以使用fromLatLngToDivPixel来确定Raphael多边形上的点的实际像素值,绘制它,然后添加拖动事件到叠加层中。 -John 作为事后的想法 - 我发现在V2中,我的多边形对象比GPolygon对象表现得更快 - 我不知道它们在V3中的表...
,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 首先,确保你已经在Google Cloud Platform上创建了一个项目,并启用了Google Maps JavaScript API。你可以在Google Cl...
Shapes— Draw polygons on the map. KML and other data— You can import KML and Excel data into the mapping software. Import into the Google Maps app— You can load your Google My Maps map into the Google Maps app on iOS or Android. Just hit the menu icon and look for the Your Pla...
How may I achieve it? Does Google Maps API provide some special functions? I'm not asking for ready solution, please give me an advice or links where I could find an additional info. UPD 1: @geocodezip, sometimeschainHull_2Dmakes wrong calculations and draws a line inside of a polygon....
polyName =newgoogle.maps.Polygon({paths: coords,strokeColor:'darkgreen',strokeOpacity:0.3,strokeWeight:1,fillOpacity:0.05});//highlights polygon when mouseovergoogle.maps.event.addListener(polyName,'mouseover',function() { polyName.setOptions({fillColor:'yellow',fillOpacity:0.25}); ...