County of Devoncity Google Maps County of Dorsetcity Google Maps County of East Sussexcity Google Maps County of Essexcity Google Maps County of Gloucestershirecity Google Maps County of Hampshirecity Google Maps County of Herefordshirecity Google Maps ...
Longitude. The longitude expressed in decimal degrees. Positive values are east of Greenwich England. UTM Coordinates. The location expressed in the Universal Transverse Mercator system. MGRS Coordinates. The location expressed in the Military Grid Reference System. ...
If you have a set of GPS coordinates, such as forgeocaching, enter the latitude and longitude into Google Maps to find the location and get directions. Go to the Google Maps website. Enter the coordinates in the search boxat the top of the Google Maps screen in one of the three accepta...
There is no obvious 0-degree point for longitude, as there is for latitude. Longitude identifies the east to west location of a point on the Earth, by measuring the angular distance from the Greenwich meridian (or Prime meridian, where longitude is 0), along with equator. ...
Google Maps地图投影全解析(3):WKT形式表示 update20090601:EPSG对该投影的编号设定为EPSG:3857,对应的WKT也发生了变化,下文不再修改,相对来说格式都是那样,可以到http://www.epsg-registry.org网站输入SRID进行查询。 Google Maps和Virtual Earth等的流行程度不用多讲,然而他们所使用的Web Mercator或Spherical ...
Latitude is measured North or South of the Equator, while Longitude is measured East or West of the Greenwich Meridian, a line that runs north and south, north pole to south pole. There is an nice site explaining this at Moving up ...
Google Maps、Virtual Earth等网络地理所使用的地图投影,常被称作Web Mercator或Spherical Mercator,它与常规墨卡托投影的主要区别就是把地球模拟为球体而非椭球体。建议先对地图投影知识做一个基本的了解,《地图投影为什么》。什么是墨卡托投影?墨卡托(Mercator)投影,又名”等角正轴圆柱投影”,荷兰地图学家墨卡托(...
//" width="125" height="21" alt="google maps gazetteer" border="0"/> <!-- search-box 1.0 end --> IMPORTANT NOTE: The map search box code must be pasted directly into web pages without modification. You are not allowed to alt...
Google Maps、Virtual Earth等网络地理所使用的地图投影,常被称作Web Mercator或Spherical Mercator,它与常规墨卡托投影的主要区别就是把地球模拟为球体而非椭球体。建议先对地图投影知识做一个基本的了解,《地图投影为什么》。 什么是墨卡托投影? 墨卡托(Mercator)投影,又名"等角正轴圆柱投影",荷兰地图学家墨卡托(Mercato...
Google Maps地图投影全解析(3):WKT形式表示 update20090601:EPSG对该投影的编号设定为EPSG:3857,对应的WKT也发生了变化,下文不再修改,相对来说格式都是那样,可以到http://www.epsg-registry.org网站输入SRID进行查询。 Google Maps和Virtual Earth等的流行程度不用多讲,然而他们所使用的Web Mercator或Spherical ...