To draw on the map, click on one of the buttons and then click on the map. Double-click to stop drawing a line or shape. Click on an element to change color. To edit a line or shape, mouse over it and drag the points. Click on a point to delete it. <!-- The fra...
htmlgoogle-mapspolygon 4 是否可能使用Google Maps API V3创建一个Web应用程序,使用自定义图像来代表各个国家或地区,并且可以通过鼠标悬停和点击来切换? 我已经查看了google.maps.GroundOverlay和ProjectedOverlay,但是还没有找到解决方案。如果能够提供示例就更好了。谢谢。
除了普通的 Polygon 类之外,JavaScript Maps API 还包含一些适用于 Circle 和 Rectangle 的特定类(用于简化其构造)。 圆形 Circle 与 Polygon 类似,您可以自定义圆形边缘(“笔触”)的颜色、粗细和透明度,以及封闭区域(“填充”)的颜色和透明度。颜色应以十六进制数字 HTML 样式表示。 与Polygon 不同,您不应为 Circ...
Via GoogleMapsMania. Related posts: ScribbleMaps Goes Pro Export Google Maps MyMaps Data As KML Draw GPX Data Directly On Web Maps Using The GPS Visualizer Freehand Drawing Tool Draw/Label On Google Maps, And Generate GPX/KML/Embeddable Maps Draw A Polygon In Google Maps, Get The Enclosed ...
开发者可以使用Google Maps JavaScript API的Polygon类来创建和编辑多边形,并且可以通过Polygon类的getPath()方法获取多边形的坐标点集合。 使用Google地图的绘图工具:Google地图提供了绘图工具,可以在地图上手动绘制多边形,并且可以导出多边形的坐标点集合。开发者可以在Google地图上打开绘图工具,手动绘制多边形,然后导出多边形...
google.maps.event.addListener(draw, 'overlaycomplete', function(shape) { // POLYGON if (shape.type == 'polygon') { var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(); var i; var path = shape.overlay.getPath(); for (i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { bounds.extend(path.getAt(i)); }...
How to Draw polygon on google maps with latitude and longitude points stored in the database. 项目 2011/12/25 Question Sunday, December 25, 2011 3:10 PM Hi Folks, I really need guidance and help in this google map coding... I had a webform which is used to collect the latitude ...
var service = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); // Set the Path Stroke Color var poly = new google.maps.Polyline({ map: gmap, strokeColor: '#dd0000' }); // #4986E7 // Draw the path for this vehicle for (var i = 0; i < pathPoints.length; i++) { ...
Shapes— Draw polygons on the map. KML and other data— You can import KML and Excel data into the mapping software. Import into the Google Maps app— You can load your Google My Maps map into the Google Maps app on iOS or Android. Just hit the menu icon and look for the Your Pla...