学习Google Maps自带实例 多点测距尺 学习Google Maps自带实例:多点测距尺20100528 11:16 Google Maps自带实例多点测距尺实现的功能就是可以根据用户标出的任意多点,从而返回计算得到的各个点之间的距离
me.removePoint_(marker); me.updateDistance_(); div.appendChild(lnk); //当用户关闭信息窗口时 Google 地图 API 会自动释放该对象 return div; *事件处理函数:当用户选择删除标记时被调用,这里要删除与该标记连 接的线段 *@param{GMarker}marker 要删除的标记 GRulerControl.prototype.removePoint_=function(...
The “ruler” tool in Google Earth has always been useful, and it has seen a number of improvements over the years.To get started with it, simply go to [Tools] –> [Ruler] in Google Earth and it’ll open up for you in a small window. Here are a few things you can do with it...
GRulerControl.prototype.formatDistance_functionlen var methis lenMath.roundlen iflen1000 return lenme.METER_ else iflen1000000 return len/1000me.KILOMETER_ return Math.roundlen/1000me.KILOMETER_ / 格式化角度为字符串 / GRulerControl.prototype.formatDegree_functionvalue valueMath.absvalue var v1Math...
Google Earth features distance measurement. Under the Tools section from the menu is the “Ruler” window. Select the location or tab to be measured, pick Mouse Navigation, mark a starting point and end point. The Ruler window will display the measurement and it can be saved and name. It ...
For this task, we capture and examine screen shots of Google Maps in action. Used in this analysis is a tool called Art Directors Toolkit (comes bundled with Mac OS X) which offers an overlay desktop ruler image for measuring pixel distances onscreen. This is what appears in the screenshots...
{ AdvancedMarkerElement } = await google.maps.importLibrary("marker") as google.maps.MarkerLibrary; const center = {lat: 37.43238031167444, lng: -122.16795397128632}; const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map") as HTMLElement, { zoom: 11, center, mapId: "45...
GRulerControl.prototype.setEnabled = function(value){}中设置当前的GRulerControl控件的禁用/启用状态。在启用状态加上: me.mapClickHandle_ = GEvent.addListener(me.map_, 'click', me.onMapClick_);和me.updateDistance_();以监听鼠标动作并及时更新距离。 返回控件是否已启用函数GRulerControl.prototype.is...
Google Earth also lets you measure the area of large plots or locations. For a large enough area, you'll want to outline the perimeter of the location that you want to measure. You will start off in the same way as when measuring distance, with theRuler icon. ...