let distances = _.flatMap(response.routes, route => _.flatMap(route.legs, leg => leg.distance.value)); return resolve(_.sum(distances)); } else { return reject(new Error(status)); } }); }); } 请记住包含 Google Maps API: 另外,我很确定他们的 ToS 也要求您显示 Google map 。
Note: To measure the distance on the google maps distance calculator tool. First zoom in, or enter the address of your starting point. Then draw a route by clicking on the starting point, followed by all the subsequent points you want to measure. You can calculate the length of a path,...
Map Pedometer - How far did you go?Home My Routes Activity Log Find Routes Share Map Routes Forum Instructions Privacy Log inEnter a location and click on Find to search for nearby routes. Location: Route distance between and Miles Kilometers ...
Google Map Pedometer - Calculate map route distance using our Gmaps Pedometer. Click map to select route.MORE Remember Miles Kilometers Autosizing mapVery large mapLarge mapMedium mapSmall mapVery small map Distance markers Run/Walk Cycle
running route, fence, border, or the perimeter of any object that appears on a google map. The distance calculator will then display a measurerment of the length in feet, meters, miles and kilometers. If you would like to suggest changes to the google maps distance calculator you cancontact...
Then using the source and destination addresses from the respective TextBoxes, the details of the directions, route, distance and duration are displayed inside the respective HTML DIVs. var source, destination; var directionsDisplay; var directionsService = new google.maps.DirectionsService(); googl...
provideRouteAlternatives:Boolean, avoidHighways:Boolean, avoidTolls:Boolean, region:String } 这些字段解释如下: origin(必填):用于指定计算路线时所用的起始地点。该值可以指定为String(例如“伊利诺斯州芝加哥市”)、LatLng值或google.maps.Place对象。如果使用google.maps.Place对象,您可以指定一个地点 ID、一个查...
对于环保路线,routeLabels数组属性包含FUEL_EFFICIENT。 如果您在请求中将computeAlternativeRoutes设置为true以计算备选路线,则routeLabels数组属性将包含DEFAULT_ROUTE_ALTERNATE。 {"routes":[{"distanceMeters":138939,"duration":"5412s","routeToken":"CoYJCpoIC…0n9S1cu","routeLabels":["DEFAULT_ROUTE"]},{"...
"types":["route"] 這表示 Geocoding API 無法找到或比對街道號。 注意:如要瞭解地址是否存在,請檢查Geocoding API 回應中是否設定了任何參數 (例如types、partial_match, results, status))。這樣一來,系統會逐漸提高地址存在的信心程度,但並非 100% 準確。因此我們需要 Address Validation API。
计算两个地址之间的行驶距离可以使用Google Maps Distance Matrix API。该API提供了计算两个地点之间距离和行驶时间的功能。 概念:Google Maps Distance Matrix API是Google提供的一种Web服务API,用于计算两个或多个地点之间的行驶距离和行驶时间。 分类:该API属于地理位置服务的一部分,主要用于计算行驶距离。