search, gmail, chrome, maps, docs, photos, translate. to the lucky beneficiaries—the company's billions of users—it was almost as if google were a public works department and not a capitalist enterprise at all. the best engineers on earth flocked to enlist, and the company offered them ...
Google India probed after driver fatally followed Maps route over unfinished bridge Asia in Brief Plus: 95 percent of Chinese broadband tops 100 megabits; Yahoo Japan photo album privacy breach; and more Software27 days | 37 Google earns fresh competition scrutiny from two nations on a single day...
When you display polylines in Google Maps, your vectors are rendered into an image file on Google’s servers. The more points, the more time it takes to generate the images. Except this isn’t the whole story—Google only does this if you aren’t using Internet Explorer. IE has a ...
Those looking for loopholes seem to be overlooking the obvious one: “that data” refers to the data collected by Google Maps. The statement doesn’t say that Google isn’t collecting and storing (remotely) location data from other sources: other apps, the operating system itself, the firmwar...
Google Maps has become increasingly difficult to use in the West Bank, particularly since the war between Israel and Palestine began, according to aWired investigation. Palestinian users reported that Google Maps sometimes directs drivers into heavy traffic, restricted areas, or unsafe encounters with...
At the time, I didn’t know any better. I thought everything I was doing was totally legitimate. With Google though, ignorance is no excuse. You break the rules, you pay the consequences. End of story. That’s why it’s so important to learn what the rules are. ...
maps:book:info:movie:weather:related:link: Some of the Example Google Dorks: info: The query [info:] will present some information that Google has about that web page. For instance, [] will show information about the Google homepage. Note there can be no space between...
where they ate raw goji-berry discs from their snack room and walked about swathed, priestlike, in Google mantles, with Google wimples and Google mitres, seeking orientation on Google Maps, Googling strangers and Google chatting with friends, as I did with mine, dozens of times a day, whi...
Share this story Google TV, we hardly knew you. No, seriously, basically nobody bought you and those who didsuffered through a slow, confusing interfacethat married the worst of cable with the worst of IR blasters, all on devices that were slow and buggy. And now you've died, and the...
Google Maps had just arrived with the revolutionary ability to move the map around without having to reload the entire website. Google had just had an IPO! This was a company that was regularly up-ending existing markets, and now the company was going to be a dominant force in t...