As we all know, Google Maps introduced Pokémon Challenge on the occasion of April Fools Day in 2014. Using the Google Maps App on your smartphones and iPhones, you could become a Pokémon master if you find all the 150 hidden Pokémons around the world. So, what are you waiting for?
Central America Google Maps Central America Map ⇡|Google Maps of Central America ⇣|All countries in Central America ⇣ The landscape of global sovereignty has dramatically shifted over the past several decades. From just 82 sovereign states in 1950, the number has surged to almost 200 today...
], "nearby_shopping_results_map": { "location": "String - Nearby location (Ex: 'near Dallas')", "link": "String - Link to Google Maps", "image": "String - Link to the map image", }, "nearby_shopping_results": [ { "title": "String - Shopping Place Title or Advertisement ...
Cocos Islands 28,989 Niue 27,520 Latvia 27,514 Peru 26,218 Belarus 24,418 Philippines 20,499 Kazakhstan 19,657 Nigeria 19,145 .tv 18,841 Bangladesh 16,189 Saudi Arabia 15,637 Kenya 15,162 Morocco 15,145 Luxembourg 14,118 Uruguay 13,047 Ecuador 11,780 Sri Lanka...