"Shift a few seconds from here to there and that shift can have a big impact," she told CBS News. Google's new Project Green Light system uses the company's vast maps database and AI to optimize traffic lights around the world. The system suggests changes and city engineers then decide...
Google Maps Google Play Google Project Zero govenrment government GPG GPS Grateful Dead Great Firewall Greg Rucka GreyLock grinders GroupSense GRU Grugq Guccifer 2.0 gun guns H-ISAC hack Hack the Capitol hacker hacker entrepreneurs HackerOne hackers Hackers Congress Paralelni Polis Hackers On Planet ...
6, 2022 from Seattle to Easton, Wash. while I-90 was closed due to heavy snow. The software selects several forest roads along the route that troopers deem dangerous during winter storms. (Google Maps) "That is extremely dangerous to use the forest service roads. We...