import { GoogleMap, Marker } from 'react-google-maps'; import './Map.css'; // 引入自定义的CSS样式文件 const Map = () => { return ( <GoogleMap> <Marker position={{ lat: 37.7749, lng: -122.4194 }} icon={{ url: 'path/to/custom-marker.png', // 自定义标记的图标路径 scaledSi...
When using custom icons on the markers (32 x 32 pixel size, png format) the icons look big on iOS, but very small on Android devices. MarkerOptions( position: LatLng( .. ), icon: BitmapDescriptor.fromAsset(crumb.marker), 👍 43 ...
solve it we did a walk around of passing custom png to Image prop of Marker component instead of a child, that did work for us, but the problem in this solution is we don't have control over the sizing of the marker(i.e Height and Width), so make sure you appropriate size marker...
Now every object on the map can be hovered (however, you can still use css hover selectors if you want). If you try zooming out hereexample, you will still be able to hover on almost every map marker. Examples Placing react components on the map:simple(source) ...
例如,可以在Marker组件内部添加一个div元素,并设置其样式和内容: 代码语言:txt 复制 <Marker lat={37.7749} lng={-122.4194} > <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>Custom Marker</div> </Marker> 以上是使用google-map-react库填充多个标记的基本步骤。通过设置不同的位置和样式,可以在地图上显示多个标记,并...
importReact, { useState}from'react';import{GoogleMap,LoadScript,Marker}from'@react-google-maps/api';importusePlacesAutocomplete, { getGeocode, getLatLng }from'use-places-autocomplete';constMapContainer= () => {const[map, setMap] =useState(null);const[selectedPlace, setSelec... And thecustomDataclass something like this. classcustomData{varstarRating:Intinit(starRatingrating:Int) { starRating=rating } } To access the your user data just retrieve it from the marker object. letmRating=(london.userDataas!customData).starRating...
Custom overlays Google Maps - Add a Marker The Marker constructor creates a marker. Note that the position property must be set for the marker to display. Add the marker to the map by using the setMap() method: Example varmarker =newgoogle.maps.Marker({position: myCenter}); ...
map3D.defaultLabelsDisabled = true; const marker = new Marker3DElement({ position: { lat: 51.5332, lng: -0.1260, altitude: 75 }, label: 'Google UK', altitudeMode: 'ABSOLUTE', extruded: true, }); map3D.append(marker); After creating the marker, add it to the 3D map using t...
Description: Pass in a function to be triggered when the map is idle (not panning or zooming). Type: Function Params: (map, markers) map: Type: Google Maps Map Object markers: Type: Array[Google Maps Marker Objects] Hint: can be used to determine all the markers currently visible in th...