If there was one destination on a map of the USA that was meant for gambling, risk-taking, and all the glitz of life in the fast lane, Las Vegas would be it. Known for having opulent hotels, poker games with extremely high stakes, and some of the best restaurants in the country, ...
Map Maker allows you and your peers to add, edit and moderate most features you see on maps including roads, lakes, parks, points of interest,businesses, cities and localities. You will be able to trace many of these features using satellite images; as you trace, maps are immediately updat...
6月23号,Google的wiki-map——Google Map Maker上线了,和OpenStreetMap一样,它也是允许用户在线根据卫星影像编辑数字化地图、添加POI、更新属性等等。当然,Google的用户接口做的肯定更好。但是目前,Google Map Maker仅支持对以下国家地图的编辑: Cyprus(塞浦路斯),Iceland(冰岛),Pakistan(巴基斯坦),Vietnam(越南),以及...