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Peterborough car rental (distanced approximately 35 km) more offers and Scotland car hiring guide »Flights from airports close to ScotlandSearch and compare flightsFlights to nearby airports to Scotland » Overview of flights to and from United States » Flights search »Compare...
2004年9月出国, 来到英国18年之多, 2009年2月的时候去瑞士学习交流了11个月(博士Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge Scholarship), 当时也是来Easyjet 飞机来回英国瑞士, 基本上一周一次. 我用用谷歌地图 (Google Map) 创建了一个地图: 英国去过的地方. 大大小小的城市村庄大概去了40几个, 居住过的有五个地...