functioninitialize(){ directionsDisplay=newgoogle.maps.DirectionsRenderer(); varchicago=newgoogle.maps.LatLng(41.850033,-87.6500523); varmapOptions={ zoom:7, center:chicago } map=newgoogle.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'),mapOptions); directionsDisplay.setMap(map); } functioncalcRoute(){ v...
To activate Street View on any city of Australia, drag above the Zoom feature the yellow little man in the map.Southeast Australia New South Wa les , South Australia , Tasmania , Victoria The southeast of Australia is the most industrialized, economically stable, urbanized, and ethnically ...
equals(mPerth)) { badge = R.drawable.badge_wa; } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin1)) { badge = R.drawable.badge_nt; } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin2)) { badge = R.drawable.badge_nt; } else if (marker.equals(mDarwin3)) { badge = R.drawable.badge_nt; } else if (marker....