Alpert, J. C., S-Y. Hong and Y-J. Kim: 1996, Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the EMC MRF”, Proc. 11 Conf. On NWP, Norfolk, 322-323. Alpert,J,, M. Kanamitsu, P. M. Caplan, J. G. Sela, G. H. White, and E. Kalnay...
Alpert, J. C., S-Y. Hong and Y-J. Kim: 1996, Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the EMC MRF”, Proc. 11 Conf. On NWP, Norfolk, 322-323. Alpert,J,, M. Kanamitsu, P. M. Caplan, J. G. Sela, G. H. White, and E. Kalnay...
Alpert, J. C., S-Y. Hong and Y-J. Kim: 1996, Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the EMC MRF”, Proc. 11 Conf. On NWP, Norfolk, 322-323. Alpert,J,, M. Kanamitsu, P. M. Caplan, J. G. Sela, G. H. White, and E. Kalnay...
Alpert, J. C., S-Y. Hong and Y-J. Kim: 1996, Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the EMC MRF”, Proc. 11 Conf. On NWP, Norfolk, 322-323. Alpert,J,, M. Kanamitsu, P. M. Caplan, J. G. Sela, G. H. White, and E. Kalnay...
Alpert, J. C., S-Y. Hong and Y-J. Kim: 1996, Sensitivity of cyclogenesis to lower troposphere enhancement of gravity wave drag using the EMC MRF”, Proc. 11 Conf. On NWP, Norfolk, 322-323. Alpert,J,, M. Kanamitsu, P. M. Caplan, J. G. Sela, G. H. White, and E. Kalnay...