Do you need to use custom Google Maps Marker Icons on your map? Rather than creating 50 separate marker images (causing clients to download 50 separate images) you can put your markers into a sprite sheet and reference each one on your map as aComplex Icon. (Or if you're using Google ...
When using custom icons on the markers (32 x 32 pixel size, png format) the icons look big on iOS, but very small on Android devices. MarkerOptions( position: LatLng( .. ), icon: BitmapDescriptor.fromAsset(crumb.marker), 👍 43 ...
官方简单 Marker 示例Simple Markers: <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><metaname="viewport"content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no"><metacharset="utf-8"><title>Simple Markers</title><style>/* Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div * element that contains the ma...
normal:'', selected:'' } } }; 添加多个标记集 除了创建一组默认标记外,您还可以创建多...
企业商用 (29元/首)企业商用 (29元/首) 配乐 情绪 安静安静 轻快轻快 浪漫浪漫 感人感人 进取进取 悲伤悲伤 紧张紧张 史诗史诗 主题 短视频短视频 MIDIMIDI 影视原声影视原声 游戏原声游戏原声 商用 免费商用 (CC协议)免费商用 (CC协议) 企业商用 (99元/首)企业商用 (99元/首) ...
var markersArray = []; function initialize() { var haightAshbury = new google.maps.LatLng(37.7699298, -122.4469157); var mapOptions = { zoom: 12, center: haightAshbury, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), mapOptions...
Google map Marker cluster 谷歌地图图标聚合 Have you wonder how do some map app provide functions to cluster icons/markers? Here is one solution:
data: function () { return { icon: { url: './images/icons/map/center.png' }, map : { center : {}, mapType: 'terrain' }, markers: [{ icon: { path: '' } }], OpeningHours: [] }; ...
14. map.addOverlay(marker); 15. } 16. }); 17.} 18.} 19. 20.function createMarker(point, name, label, desc, address, type, icona) { 21. var marker = new LabeledMarker(point, {icon: customIcons[type], labelText: label, labelOffset: new GSize(-6, -8)}) ...
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