JDK中的迭代器,最早的当属Enumeration接口,它是从java1.0版本开始的,它里面定义了两个方法:hasMoreElements()和nextElement(),配合这个接口的,是老一辈的集合工具类 Vector 和Hashtable。这两个类,目前大家使用的比较少,只有在面试的时候,经常会问Vector和ArrayLIst有什么区别,Hashtable和 HashMap 有什么区别...
Next, open the Document Outline using Editor\Show Document Outline and re-order the view hierarchy so that the object tree looks like this: To turn this simple UIView into a GMSMapView, select the view you just added and open the Identity inspector by selecting the third tab from the ...
At the beginning of the project I took a map (on paper, to draw on it) and chose the order of the zones I wanted to use: this square, then this street section, then this park, then this street section with the playground on the side, then this section of street with the shops, ...
Next, open the Document Outline using Editor\Show Document Outline and re-order the view hierarchy so that the object tree looks like this: To turn this simple UIView into a GMSMapView, select the view you just added and open the Identity inspector by selecting the third tab from the ...
aws-golang-googlemap refactor: Ensure use of modern iam.role syntax Nov 10, 2021 aws-golang-http-get-post refactor: Ensure use of modern iam.role syntax Nov 10, 2021 aws-golang-rest-api-with-dynamodb refactor: Ensure use of modern iam.role syntax Nov 10, 2021 aws-golang-s3-file-re...
However, as of 2023, they’re also partnering with MapQuest, HERE Technologies, Priceline, Tomorrow.io, Search Expander, and Microsoft Bing. Still, according to the Netherlands-based search engine, your queries are anonymized before search results are pulled from Google and Bing. This means all...
Custom parse function, manage "map" infowindow example AfterParse function to add markers at centroid/center of bounds of polygons-second example Custom createMarker function to add button to infowindow Custom createMarker function to add Street View to infowindow (looking at the marker) ...
Its nodes are first-class unique objects; you can think of them as analogous to Map keys into the Graph internal data structures. The edges of a Graph are completely anonymous; they are defined only in terms of their endpoints. Example use case: Graph<Airport>, whose edges connect the ...
Object.hashCode(), HashMap hashCode int hashCode() Returns the hash code for this graph. The hash code of a graph is defined as the hash code of the set returned by edges(). A reference implementation of this is provided by AbstractGraph.hashCode(). Overrides: hashCode in class Object ...
HashMultiset: 元素存放于 HashMapLinkedHashMultiset: 元素存放于 LinkedHashMap,即元素的排列顺序由第一次放入的顺序决定TreeMultiset: 元素被排序存放于 TreeMapEnumMultiset: 元素必须是 enum 类型ImmutableMultiset: 不可修改的 Mutiset 看到这里你可能已经发现 Guava Collections 都是以 create 或是 of 这样的静态...