·MapActivity:这个类是用于显示Google Map的Activity类,它需要连接底层网络。MapActivity是一个抽象类,任何想要显示MapView的activity都需要派生自 MapActivity,并且在其派生类的onCreate()中,都要创建一个MapView实例。 ·MapView:MapView是用于显示地图的View组件。它派生自android.view.ViewGroup。它必须和 MapActivi...
MapView map = new MapView(this, apiKey); 实现MapActivity 在MapActivity中,方法isRoutedDisplayed必须要被重写 MapView提供三种模式分别是 mapView.setTraffic(true); // 设置为交通模式 mapView.setSatellite(true); // 设置为卫星模式 mapView.setStreetView(true); // 设置为街景模式 使用MapController在...
Explore cities at street view level using this improvised driving simulator. Local Maps URL:https://www.mapchannels.com/LocalMaps.aspx Local Maps provide a simple way to create a map displaying a single place marker. Options include: • Google Street View. ...
·MapActivity:这个类是用于显示Google Map的Activity类,它需要连接底层网络。MapActivity是一个抽象类,任何想要显示MapView的activity都需要派生自MapActivity,并且在其派生类的onCreate()中,都要创建一个MapView实例。 ·MapView:MapView是用于显示地图的View组件。它派生自android.view.ViewGroup。它必须和MapActivity...
Yandex.Maps 10.6.0 11 ⚠️ Map doesn't work Ymusic 3.7.2 11 ✅ Yodayo 1.4.2 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Google account. You can try logging in with e-mail instead. Yokai 1.7.12 13 ✅ YouTube (Google) 16.40.35 11 🆖 Requires GMS YouTube Music...
打开浏览器,输入网址:http://code.google.com/intl/zh-CN/android/maps-api-signup.html,登录Google账号,在Google的Android Map API Key申请页面上输入步骤2得到的MD5认证指纹,选中“I have read and agree with the terms and conditions”选项,如图9-10所示,按下“Generate API Key”按钮,即可得到我们申请到...
名称:HDMapGen:一种高清晰度地图的层次图生成模型 论文:ieeexplore.ieee.org/doc 代码: 单位:Waymo、MIT、DeepMind、Google 出版:2022 MC3DOD-SCS 题目:Multi-Class 3D Object Detection with Single-Class Supervision 名称:单类监督下的多类三维目标检测 论文:ieeexplore.ieee.org/doc 代码: 单位:得克萨斯...
Yandex.Maps 10.6.0 11 ⚠️ Map doesn't work Ymusic 3.7.2 11 ✅ Yodayo 1.4.2 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Google account. You can try logging in with e-mail instead. Yokai 1.7.12 13 ✅ YouTube (Google) 16.40.35 11 🆖 Requires GMS YouTube Music...
Yandex.Maps 10.6.0 11 ⚠️ Map doesn't work Ymusic 3.7.2 11 ✅ Yodayo 1.4.2 13 ✅ Requires GMS only when logging in using Google account. You can try logging in with e-mail instead. Yokai 1.7.12 13 ✅ YouTube (Google) 16.40.35 11 🆖 Requires GMS YouTube Music...
Mapy.cz - General purpose map with various possibilities. HERE WeGo - Maps, navigation and routes. OpenStreetMap - The free wiki world map. MapQuest - Explore driving directions, maps, live traffic updates and road, nearby businesses, restaurants and hotels.Public...