136 * 定位权限为必须权限,用户如果禁止...Manifest.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION); 144 } 145 /* 146 * 读写权限和电话状态权限非必要权限(建议授予)只会申请一次,用户同意或者禁止...ByteArrayInputStr 129 130 bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);//质量压缩方法,这里100表示不...
The global forest/non-forest map (FNF) is generated by classifying the SAR image (backscattering coefficient) in the global 25m resolution PALSAR-2/PALSAR SAR mosaic so that strong and low backscatter pixels are assigned as "forest" and "non-forest", respectively. Here, "forest" is defined a...
aOrder dropped 命令下降了[translate] aI have a headache. . . . How to do. . . I have a headache. . . . How to do. . .[translate] aWe're sorry, but Google Map isn't available right now! 我们很抱歉,而是Google地图现在不是可利用的![translate]...
The global forest/non-forest map (FNF) is generated by classifying the SAR image (backscattering coefficient) in the global 25m resolution PALSAR-2/PALSAR SAR mosaic so that strong and low backscatter pixels are assigned as "forest" and "non-forest", respectively. Here, "forest" is defined a...
Google Map 在日本非常好用。你只需直接输入中文或英文地名,就可以搜索到对应的日文地点。除了少数完全没有道路的、山野徒步的场景,Google Map 推荐的步行路线或公共交通方案也基本准确。 日本的火车、地铁和公交车通常比较准时(出现「人身事故」等状况除外)。在小城市或乡村地区,火车和公交的发车频率可能低至每小时一...
Working in a similar way to Green Maps, Map Mashups allows people to add icons of their own to existing maps to express a certain topic. The mashups is so called because it combine all the knowledge you could ever need. It r 选择语言:从 到 ...
打开Eclipse--->Windows--->Preferences--->Android--->Build 一般是这样的路径 C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\.android\debug.keystore 2.在cmd中执行 keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\User\.android\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android keyt...
【摘要】 MERIT Hydro 是一个新的全球流向图,分辨率为 3 弧秒(赤道约 90 m),源自 MERIT DEM 高程数据和水体数据集(G1WBM、GSWO 和 OpenStreetMap)的 1.0.3 版。MERIT Hydro 包含一种新算法的输出,该算法通过将实际内陆流域与由输入高程数据错误引起的噪声分离,几乎自动地提取河网。经过最少的手工编辑...
avoidHighways(可选):设置为true时,表示计算的路线应避开主要公路(如果可能)。 avoidTolls(可选):设置为true时,表示计算的路线应避开收费道路(如果可能)。 region(可选):用于以 ccTLD(“顶级域”)双字符值形式指定地区代码。(如需了解详细信息,请参阅下面的地区偏向。) ...