<platform name="android"> <config-file parent="/manifest/application" target="AndroidManifest.xml"> <activity android:exported="true" android:name="com.google.android.gms.tagmanager.TagManagerPreviewActivity" android:noHistory="true" tools:replace="android:noHistory"> <intent-filter> <data android...
The manifest of separate web applications implements support for the launch_handler block, with which you can control the behavior when launching a web application, for example, opening in a separate or existing window. The iframe element has been added the attribute "credentialless," which allow...
AndroidManifest.xml <manifestxmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"package="com.myapp"xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools"> <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/> <uses-permissionandroid:...
intERROR_SERVICE_CREATION_FAILEDThe Cast Remote Display service could not be created. intERROR_SERVICE_DISCONNECTEDThe Cast Remote Display service was disconnected. intERROR_STOPPING_SERVICE_FAILEDThe Cast Remote Display service could not be stopped. ...
To easily apply this manifest while substituting in the correct«connection-name», run (verbatim): $ CONNECTION_NAME=$(gcloud sql instances describe gradle-enterprise-database --format='value(connectionName)') $ sed "s/«connection-name»/${CONNECTION_NAME}/g" | kubectl apply -f - ...
The ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND is an HTTP error message you might run into while browsing the web. Learn how to easily fix it in this guide.
Google Open Source Open source is good for everyone!Google believes that by being open and freely available, it enables and encourages collaboration and the development of technology, solving real world problems. Google Developers Looking for Google APIs and Tools?Google Developers is the place to ...
Maven可以使用mvn package指令对项目进行打包,如果使用Java -jar xxx.jar执行运行jar文件,会出现"no main manifest attribute, in xxx.jar...所以可以直接通过java -jar来运行。此外还可以直接通过mvn package来打包,无需assembly:single,不过需要加上一些配置: ?...其中package、single即表示在执行package打包时,执行...
第一步:在manifest文件中增加如下指纹权限功能 ,详细权限见2.1章节 第二步:组合判断,当前系统版本是否支持指纹功能,并且rom中已经录入过指纹 ,判断方法见2.5 和 2.6章节 第三步:使用FingerprintManagerWrapper对象调用IFingerprintInterface统一接口中startAuth方法,拉起指纹验证功能 方法见2.2章节 ...
If trying to install a locally downloaded XAPK over ADB that simply had its file extension changed to .apk, the error message Failure [INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION: Failed to parse /data/app/vmdl1025447652.tmp/base.apk: AndroidManifest.xml] shows up. PostNord 8.22.2 12 ⚠️ ...