array = [["你好,这是自动回复1"],["你好,这是自动回复2"],["你好,这是自动回复3"]];varj=Math.floor(Math.random() * (array.length));vartemp=array[j];if(messagecount < num){ MailApp.sendEmail(sender,"Auto Reply", temp); }elseif( (messages[messagecount -1].getDate().getTime() ...
MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "This is my test"); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii].moveToTrash(); } else { sender = messages[ii].getFrom(); MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "Sorry, your keyword was not recognized"); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii...
MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "你想要它自动回复的内容"); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii].moveToTrash(); } } } } ---复制以上内容--- 4.4新建触发器,并设置触发器的时间类型为“分钟定时器” 注意这里保存后会要求验证你的Google账号,这里有两个需要注意的 4.4.1设置允许弹窗(如...
MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "123456789"); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii].moveToTrash(); } } } } 店小匠提醒注意点:蓝色圈内容:要跟设置过滤器时候新建的标签保持一致(我设置的是 KeepGV,保持一致)红色圈是 GV 号回复的内容:例如这里:当我用另一个 GV 号向此 GV 号发送的短...
Gmail 是一款直观、高效、实用的电子邮件应用。免费提供15GB存储空间,垃圾邮件更少,而且支持移动访问。 一个帐户,畅享 Google所有服务! 登录即可继续使用 Gmail
[gg];messages=gmailThreads.getMessages();for(varii=0;ii<messages.length;ii++){if(messages[ii].isUnread()){sender=messages[ii].getFrom();MailApp.sendEmail(sender,'Auto Reply',"你好,你的短信我已经收到。我会尽快处理。");//回复邮件messages[ii].markRead();//标记为已读messages[ii].move...
MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "Hi, I went travelling for a few days, I'll call you later."); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii].moveToTrash(); } } } } Then click ‘Save’ and ‘run’ the code. Please set the name to ‘Auto Replier’ when saving. ...
sender = messages[ii].getFrom(); MailApp.sendEmail(sender, "Auto Reply", "收到"); messages[ii].markRead(); messages[ii].moveToTrash(); } } } } 保存 覆盖粘贴代码并保存 跳转登录Google账号授权 完毕。等设置的时间到,会收到环聊短信,再延迟约半分钟内会自动回复。
Before you abandon your old Gmail account, remember to set up a system to let people know you have a new email address. You canset up an out-of-office message, or if you only want to email certain people, you cancreate an auto-replyfor messages based on a more specific filter. ...
fa fa-mail-reply-all  Try it fa fa-male  Try it fa fa-map  Try it fa fa-map-marker  Try it fa fa-map-o  Try it fa fa-map-pin  Try it fa fa-map-signs  Try it fa fa-mars  Try it fa fa-mars...