一方面的话是本校算是machine learning的强校,在进入项目之前,先是找Justin老师报名了四节课,给我审...
一方面的话是本校算是machine learning的强校,在进入项目之前,先是找Justin老师报名了四节课,给我审...
一共有 5 个 level, level 1有一道题,level 2 有两道,以此类推...通过 level 3 ,也就是 6 道题之后,可以给 Google 的 recruiter 留下邮箱地址,直接空降到 onsite 面试。 对于当时还在刷题找 intern 的我,简直是天降神器== 前面三个 level 的题信息量很大,理解题意需要一段时间,但是并不难,最难的...
While university students are on their summer holidays, internships or jobs, their professors are already hard at work planning for fall courses. These course maps will be at the center of student learning, research and academic growth. Google was founded on the basis of the work that Larry a...
Learningwhich is currently under submission at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), one of the top machine learning conferences. In the second half, I worked on new algorithms for representation learning. This work is ongoing, and the resulting paper hasn’t been ...
award at the annual neurips machine-learning conference for their work on a new technique for generating images. some have objected to the decision. louise matsakis generative ai is my research and writing partner. should i disclose it? in this installment of wired’s ai advice column, “the ...
Google AI Introduces AutoBNN: A New Open-Source Machine Learning Framework for Building Sophisticated Time Series Prediction Models
Google DeepMind Unveils MusicRL: A Pretrained Autoregressive MusicLM Model of Discrete Audio Tokens Finetuned with Reinforcement Learning to Maximise Sequence-Level Rewards
So that’s it, and I am always amazed how different schools fall into some of the various traps mentioned up. But the real point I am trying to make is that: architecture schools are a microcosm of the profession, and if we really want to change Architecture going into the future then...
10601 Introduction to Machine learning 这门课的workload非常大,我觉得CMU的ML课的workload比其它学校...