def miles_to_kilometers(miles): return miles * 1.609344 开发环境本插件采用Google App Script开发,在此基础上,我们使用JavaScript语言进行插件开发。在开发插件过程中,我们使用了Markdown语言进行文档编写,以便用户更好的理解和使用本插件。参考文献Google App Script官方文档 英里、公里 ...
可以用来,比如查看两个国家的汇率。例如:miles to km – 可以用来将 miles 转化为 kilometers。比如: 10 miles to km 将会告诉你,多少 kilometers 是 10 miles。USD to British Pound Sterling – 可以将 US dollar 转换为 British pounds,用法和上面的一样。20. 搜索包裹物流信息 ...
miles to km– 可以用来将 miles 转化为 kilometers. 比如: 10 miles to km 将会告诉你,多少 kilometers 是 10 miles。 USD to British Pound Sterling – 可以将 US dollar 转换为 British pounds,用法和上面的一样。 搜索包裹物流信息 可以输入 UPS, USPS, or Fedex 快递单号进行搜索,搜索结果将会是快递...
直接在搜索框中输入单位转换,例如,"20 USD to EUR" 或 "5 miles to kilometers"。 定义词汇使用“define:”后接单词,以获取该词汇的定义。例如,"define:serendipity". 计算器功能直接在搜索框中输入数学表达式,以获取计算结果。例如,"45*2.5". 图书搜索使用“intitle:”或“inauthor:“限定搜索结果为标题中...
3. Use a hyphen to exclude words Sometimes you may find yourself searching for a word with an ambiguous meaning. An example isMustang. When you Google search forMustang, you may get results for both the car made by Ford or the horse. If you want to cut one out, use the hyphen to ...
Depending on your preference, you can set the Maps app to display distances and turn-by-turn directions in kilometers and meters, or miles and feet. However, the steps to do that may not be too obvious, and that's where we come in to help. ...
Fuel economy (for example, kilometer per liter to miles per gallon) Length (for example, foot to yard) Mass (for example, pound to ounce) Plane angle (for example, degree to radian) Pressure (for example, pascal to bar) Speed (for example, miles per hour to kilometers per hour) ...
在Android google map中,有时候会碰到计算两地的距离,下面的辅助类就可以帮助你计算距离: 1publicclassDistanceHelper {2/**Names for the units to use*/3publicfinalstaticintKILOMETERS = 0;4publicfinalstaticintSTATUTE_MILES = 1;5publicfinalstaticintNAUTICAL_MILES = 2;67/**Radius of the Earth in the...
Want to add up a list of numbers, convert from miles to kilometers, or evaluate some other mathematical expression? Instead of using a piece of paper, your calculator, or a computer math software program, you can now solve mathematical problems with Google's built-in calculator function. Simp...
of times when you may need to do a quick unit conversion, and sometimes it's difficult to do them in your head. Google has you covered when you're making a recipe and need to convert cups into ounces. Or you're traveling in another country and need to convert kilometers to miles. ...