Google IT Support Professional Certificateon Coursera could be a great certification for you if you are looking to get an entry-level IT support job in top MNC. As this beginner friendly certification will prepare you for the role in just 8 months or less. The best part is, this certificat...
所以Google 在这项计划,实务推行的前置作业前, 2018 年Google 便在 Coursera 上架了 Google IT Support Professional Certificate program,累积开办3 年至今该课程便帮助过约82% 的毕业生,在6 个月内获得职缺及加薪机会。在参照这个过往的成功案例后,Google 在这次「虚拟学位」具体的作法上便新增了以下的内容:1... 为在高速增长的IT领域中开创职业生涯做好准备,无需相关经验或学历背景。通过由谷歌设计的专业培训,快速步入高薪工作轨道。目前,IT支持领域有超过52万个空缺职位,入门级岗位的平均薪资为57,000美元¹。完成课程后,您可以直接申请谷歌及...
2 Coursera Various, including IT support by Google Some courses free; Certificate might be paid 3 Udacity Google-related tech courses Free access to course materials 4 Google Developers Training Android development, web tech, Firebase Free access, self-paced
Google currently offers an IT Support Specialist career certificate,which costs $49 per monthand has a flexible completion date. In addition to the career certificates, Google also hostsa variety of online classesin professionally-driven topics, such as “Fundamentals of digital market...
googleDAcertificate 1/7 创建者:topokiii 收藏 【Coursera】Google Advanced Data Analytics 专业证书课程 7/7 100播放 1_introduction-to-course-7 01:58 2_what-to-expect-in-the-capstone-project 01:26 3_capstone-project-wrap-up-and-tips-for-ongoing-career-success 01:11 4_the-data-...
這個由 Google 專門開發的六門課程證書包含創新內容,旨在幫助你為入門級 IT 支援角色做好準備。 IT 部門的工作可能意味著面對面或遠端的 Help Desk 工作,無論是在小企業還是在像 Google 這樣的全球性公司。不管你已在 IT 領域,或對這個領域還不清楚,你都來對地方了。
Big News! We’ve teamed up with@Googleon an IT Support Professional Certificate program on@coursera. Apply now! — Year Up (@YearUp)January 16, 2018 The experience also proved to Google that IT was a teachable field, and...
As Google states on its IT Support Certificate Program Coursera page, Google has long faced an issue that many other companies also contend with—we had open IT Support roles and not enough qualified candidates to fill them. This is part of why Google aims to make these courses so accessibl...
6. Cloud Architecture with Google Cloud Professional Certificate (Coursera)The Google Cloud Professional Cloud Architect certification is the highest paying IT certification of 2019. This certification was launched by Google in year 2017 and it quickly rose to the top of the list of highest paying ...