我們設立了 LinkedIn 帳戶:歡迎在 LinkedIn 上追蹤我們,掌握 Google 搜尋最新消息和資源,提升您的網站能見度。 首頁 搜尋中心 Google 搜尋中心網誌 前Google 搜尋品質團隊成員 前往「Google 搜尋中心網誌」查看 Alissa Roberts 發布的文章。 LinkedIn 提供意見 ...
The first thing you probably want to happen after launching a blog or website is getting it indexed by Google. Not indexing a site on Google is one of the biggest mistakes most new bloggers make. If you are also one among them and want to index your site on Google really quickly, this...
Google.Apis.Indexing.v3 Web Search Indexing API v3 Google.Apis.Keep.v1 Google Keep API v1 Google.Apis.Kgsearch.v1 Knowledge Graph Search API v1 Google.Apis.Kmsinventory.v1 KMS Inventory API v1 Google.Apis.Libraryagent.v1 Library Agent API v1 Google.Apis.Licensing.v1 Enterprise License ...
For a couple days now, I have been spotting random threads with complaints from Blogger aka blogspot.com bloggers that Google has stopped indexing and ranking their new blog posts in Google web search. It turns out to be a large problem. AGoogle Webmaster Helpthread has tons of bloggers upse...
Search Console API announcements Search Off The Record podcast - behind the scenes with Search Relations July Prepare for mobile-first indexing (with a little extra time) The Rich Results Test is out of beta How spam reports are used at Google #TanyaTentangSearch (Search Console) June Why ...
Web Search Indexing APIv3 Web Security Scanner APIv1,v1alpha,v1beta Workflow Executions APIv1,v1beta Workflows APIv1,v1beta Workload Manager APIv1 YouTube Analytics APIv2 YouTube Data API v3v3 YouTube Reporting APIv1 reCAPTCHA Enterprise APIv1 ...
1. Find possible indexing issues Eyeballing the results of asite:search for your website can uncover potential indexing issues. For example, if we combine it with thefiletype:operator, we see that this 3D printing company has quite a few PDFs indexed: ...
To keep up with the evolution of the web and to meet rising user expectations, we’ve built Caffeine. The image below illustrates how our old indexing system worked compared to Caffeine: Our old index had several layers, some of which were refreshed at a faster rate than others; the main...
You can use these reports to quickly identify indexing issues and solve them. 404 errors The Coverage Error report can also alert you to 404 errors. These errors occur because the linked to URL does not exist. If you notice any 404 response errors, use the Inspect URL Tool to reveal which...
Blogger 数据接口 The Blogger data API allows client applications to view and update Blogger content in the form of Google data API ("GData") feeds. Your client application can use GData to create new blog posts, edit or delete existing posts, and query for posts that match particular criteria...