Authors Guild,Inc.v.Google Inc. 美国纽约南区联邦地区法院案号:954 F.Supp.2d 282判决时间:2013年11月14日阅读提示经过8年的等待,纽约联邦地方法院终于在2013年11月14日作出重要判决,判定Google Inc... 姚忆蓉译 - 《知识产权法研究》 被引量: 9发表: 2014年 Authors Guild V. Google 954 F.Supp.2d28...
It argued that Auto Blocker mirrored Google’s “Unknown Sources” process, which the jury found illegal in the Epic v Google case. It noted that both had multiple steps and scare screens “under the guise of a security feature.” Both features allegedly impose friction on any method of dist...
Files master .github .vscode cmd docs server web .dockerignore .gitignore Dockerfile LICENSE config.go go.mod go.sum gqlgen.yml heroku.yml schema.graphql Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History ...
Generate Key ``` [pgpsender@ ~]$ gpg --gen-key gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.7; Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details...
5 of 14 If the Itfretheesttreeme swtemaswimasaigmeadgferdofmromthethseasmame ehehiegighhttbbyymmoorree tthhaannoonneescsacna,nt,htehme emaneavnalvuaeloufethoef the diamFeodtreieasrt,ms o2e0bt1et8ra, ,9i,no6betdaifnreodmfrtohme trheecorencsotnrustcrtuecdtecdirccirlcelseswwaassuusseedd...
{DeepMind and Babuschkin, Igor and Baumli, Kate and Bell, Alison and Bhupatiraju, Surya and Bruce, Jake and Buchlovsky, Peter and Budden, David and Cai, Trevor and Clark, Aidan and Danihelka, Ivo and Dedieu, Antoine and Fantacci, Claudio and Godwin, Jonathan and Jones, Chris and ...
“Six Strikes” Anti-Piracy Scheme Starts, With Mystery Punishments— The MPAA and RIAA, helped by five major Internet providers in the United States, will start to warn BitTorrent pirates this week. The parties launched the Center for Copyright Information (CCI) and agreed on a system through...
Satellite as well as reanalysis-based datasets are widely available and useful in detecting spatial and temporal variability of rainfall at a finer resolution. These products have been widely used in weather forecasting and hydrological and climate studies. However, the accuracy of satellite products va...
vmess://eyJhZGQiOiJoazAxLmdldHNzLnRvcCIsImhvc3QiOiIiLCJpZCI6IjRBNjMzOEU0LTI3RDItQkQ5My01MUI1LUIzQjIxRUEwM0JFMiIsIm5ldCI6InRjcCIsInBhdGgiOiIiLCJwb3J0IjoiMjM0NTYiLCJ5wcyI6IkhLLUhLVC14MCIsInRscy66I6IiIsInYiOjIsImFpZCI6MCwidHlwZSI6Im5vbmUifQ== 5、将 vmess:// 后面的值 base64 解...
This repo provides code to demonstrate Private State Token using BoringSSL to create an issuance service. - private-state-token-demo/package-lock.json at main · GoogleChromeLabs/private-state-token-demo