1、电脑打开google浏览器。2、打开google浏览器后,点击主页右下角的settings选项。3、点击settings后,点击第一个选项。4、进入Search Settings页面,点击语言选项Language。5、进入Language页面,点击中文简体,然后点击Save就可以了。
Google products language can usually be changed to any language within the Google available ones by going into Google account > data and personalization...
By doing this, you are essentially telling Chrome that you prefer reading in a particular language. In my case, I've selected English as my preferred language to inform Chrome that it's the language I usually read. I've also selected Chinese and Spanish as the languages which I want Chrom...
I live in HK & the official language is still Traditional Chinese, not yet Simplified Chinese! Btw, my phone’s bought in HK & all my phone settings are still based in HK not China! Why?Why you set the Simplified Chinese as the default Chinese even there are HK/Taiwan users? That is...
Google Chrome supports a wide range of languages. While it'll default to English in most cases, there's nothing stopping you from changing its settings and displaying pages in Spanish, French, or dozens of other languages. Changing your default language in Chrome takes only a few seconds, and...
In this guide, we will see how to set English as the default display language in the Google Chrome browser for Windows. NOTE 1:You can use this guide to change Chrome’s display language from any language to English. NOTE 2:You can use this guide, even if you accidentally changed Chrome...
When you install Google Chrome on your computer or smartphone, it gets installed inEnglish as the default language. Installing Chrome browser on any devices is not a big deal. However, if you want to surf the internet in your native language which is not English then it might be a bit di...
Preparations in AppGallery Connect Creating Your Project and App Enabling the Service Obtaining SDK Configurations Configuring iOS App Information Android SDK Version Change History Development Process Integrating SDKs Setting In-app Default Parameter Values Setting Parameter Values in R...
Language Understanding Load Testing Log Analytics Logic Apps Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed Network Fabric Managed Service Identity Maps MariaDB Marketplace Ordering Media Services Metrics Advisor Mixed Reality Mobile Network Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network Network Analy...
The fresh browser version will likely show theTranslate to Englishoption. Read:Fix: Aw, Snap! Error Google Chrome on Every Page Check whether Use Google Translate is not turned off in Settings The browser installs Google Translate extension by default and adds some settings letting users customize...