提交网址https://hstspreload.org/ 注意:提交申请过后,需要等待 1-2 月 等待下一次的浏览器版本更新,就会成功内置在浏览器内部。 可以用 Chrome 浏览器输入 chrome://net-internals/#hsts 进行查看是否内置成功 注意:一旦提交之后,就无法撤销,请保持域名的 HTTPS 正常访问。如不想使用 HSTS 只能换域名解决。
使用Chrome,畅享 AI 超能力。 Google 正在集成人工智能,以进一步提高旗下产品的实用性。我们利用 AI 来优化搜索和谷歌翻译等功能,并以负责任的方式研发创新技术。 Google 搜索 内置您喜爱的搜索栏。 海量信息,触手可及。无论是要查看天气资讯、求解数学方程式,还是想要获取即时搜索结果,只需在浏览器的地址栏中...
Chrome(我猜还有其他浏览器),也会将 http://develop.app.domain.de(无 HTTPS)转发到 https://develop.app.domain.de(HTTPS)。我当然可以禁用 HSTS 并清除该域的缓存,并且 http://develop.app.domain.de 将起作用,但前提是我再次访问 https://app.domain.de。 我无法为我们的开发环境启用 HTTPS,因为...
However, you won’t see the option if the website uses HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) protection. It’s a security feature that instructs browsers to use HTTPS connections, preventing access over plain HTTP exclusively.You can check a website’s certificate and confirm whether it’s ...
从Chrome的预加载HSTS列表中删除网站 、、、 有没有办法从Chrome的预加载HSTS列表中删除条目?出于发展的原因,我需要路由一个网页google-analytics.com,它不同于原来的ip地址。但google-analytics.com在Chrome的预加载HSTS列表中。这导致在加载网页时出现错误,因为我的google-analytics.com证书的ssl没有正确签名。我...
chrome://net-internals/#hsts At the very bottom of a page there is QUERY domain textbox - verify that localhost is known to the browser. If it says "Not found" then this is not the answer you are looking for. If it is, DELETE the localhost domain using the textbox above Your site...
Your information is still secure because Chrome stopped the connection before any data was exchanged. You cannot visit www.firebasestorage.googleapis.com right now because the website uses HSTS. Network errors and attacks are usually temporary, so this page will probably work later. My url start...
配置HSTS 浏览器缓存中的Strict-Transport-Security 响应头已过期。 前提条件该加速域名已开启 HTTPS。 操作步骤登录火山引擎视频点播控制台,进入空间。 单击左侧导航栏分发加速设置 > 域名管理,进入域名管理页面。 选择自定义源站加速域名页签,在域名列表中找到您需要配置的域名,单击操作列的配置按钮。 进入加速域名配置...
If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue. This site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) to specify that Firefox only connect to it securely. As a result, it is not possibl...
There is also a catch-22 aspect: some users cannot post their failures, because their help requests are being blocked by the same failure. Is there a fail-safe, non-HSTS URL for this situation? Reply OK, confirms my assumption that the GlobalSign R2-CA root cert was in the Microsoft lis...