Java 適用的 Google API 用戶端程式庫 (google-api-client) 可與所有支援的 Java 平台 (包括 Android) 相容。Maven 用法:<dependency> <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>google-api-client</artifactId> <version>2.4.0</version> </dependency>...
After the QR code has been scanned or the 32-digit code entered, click “Save” or “Next” and you’ll see the new account show up on the home screen of the app. In the account settings where you’re attempting to set up 2-factor authentication, click “Next” or “Continue” wher...
Application home page:Enter the homepage address of your MyHub site in here. Application privacy policy link:Enter the value Application terms of service (optional):Enter the value ...
與簡易觸發條件一樣,安裝式觸發條件可讓 Apps Script 在發生特定事件 (例如開啟文件) 時自動執行函式。不過,可安裝的觸發事件比起簡單的觸發事件,提供更大的彈性:可安裝的觸發事件可以呼叫需要授權的服務,提供多種額外事件類型 (包括時間導向 (時鐘) 觸發事件),且可透過程式設計控制。無論是簡單觸發條件還是可安裝...
Google Developers is the place to find all Google developer documentation, resources, events, and products. Google Code Archive From 2006-2016, Google Code Project Hosting offered a free collaborative development environment for open source projects. Projects hosted on Google Co...
If you want to run web-to-app campaigns, follow the instructions in this section. Google Ads might not claim attribution for certain users in web-to-app campaigns. In this case, we recommend that you generate Adjust links to use in Google Ads web-to-app campaigns so that Adjust can ...
My understanding is that a "full" setup requires more than that, but then my understanding is that IntelliJ is supposed to do a lot of things automatically when you import the project, and that has not been my experience :( So it's possible that something deeper is wrong with my ...
Last Update date :Nov 24. 2020 How to Set up a Google Account It is recommended to setup the Google/Gmail account through Setup wizard. The on-screen instructions will guide you to setup the Google account. You can restore your data which you’ve previously backed up in your Google accoun...
If you've just bought one, here are the steps for how to set up your Google Nest Mini. These instructions are also applicable to the first-generation Google Home Mini if that's what you have on hand. Setting Up Your Google Home Mini or Nest Mini The Google Home or Nest Mini setup i...
We’ll help you troubleshoot the issue and get your Google Home back up to speed with a working internet connection.