首先,从设计角度来看,Google Home Mini和Amazon Echo Dot都具有简约时尚的特点。然而,这两款智能音箱的尺寸略有差异,Google Home Mini更为小巧,而Amazon Echo Dot则稍大一些。此外,Google Home Mini的外观设计更为圆润,更显可爱,而Amazon Echo Dot则更具科技感。在性能方面,Google Home Mini与A...
与Google Home Mini不同的是,在Amazon Echo Dot有一个音频输入口,你只需要把线连上,就可以用了。 两者都可以作为音频播放器,但Google Home Mini因为其设计音质会略好一点。但不会好太多,两者的音质都并不是很好。Google Home Mini因为它的扬声器设计是向上的,所以听起来会更清澈更有深度一点。与之相对的Amazon ...
Amazon Echo Dot连接的服务则更多了,特别是Microsoft Outlook,如果你是outlook的使用者,你可能更适合使用它。 但Google home mini在答题上的功力根本不容小觑,知识面可以说是非常强大,所以如果你喜欢芝士答题,冲顶大会,西瓜视频等当下最火爆的答题竞赛类节目,那么这款更适合你。毕竟在Google收集信息方面,彻底碾压Amazon。
随着Google Home Mini的推出, 现在有两个接近50美金的大品牌智能音箱了,只不过这两款产品在对比上来说,两款智能扬声器竞争优势何在?Google Home Mini与亚马逊的Echo是如何比较的呢?让我们跟着YouTube博主Dave Lee一起来详细比较一下两者的区别吧!
echo dot今年6月入手,Google home mini是今天才拿到的。两个都买了黑色。 1 外观 echo dot比较工业一点,虽然是圆形,却有一种有棱有角的感觉,有音量控制的按键。 Google home mini看起来更圆润一些,比较文艺,音量控制没有按键。 目前没有明显的偏好,如果设计有性格的话,echo dot像是男性,还是比较硬朗的那种,也...
If you want to bring voice control and artificial intelligence into your home, the Amazon Echo Dot and the Google Home Mini, both £50, are the cheapest way to do so.Connect them to other apps and devi
为什么Google Home优于Amazon Echo Dot (3rd Gen)? 有立体声喇叭 ? 兼容Google Assistant ? 支持Chromecast built-in ? 有钕磁铁 ? 具有一个无源辐射器 ? 2.1 新的蓝牙版本 ? 4.2vs2.1 27.39% 更大扬声器 ? 1 x 2"vs1 x 1.57" 具有电磁屏蔽功能 ...
If it wasn't for theAmazon Echo Dot, I'd recommend the Google Home Mini to everyone. Google successfully fit all of the smarts of the originalGoogle Homeinto a fun-size package. You can give it voice commands, just like you can with the Google Home or any ofAmazon'sEcho line of pro...
Last time, I took apartGoogle’s Home Mini smart speaker, introduced in October 2017. This time, I'm dissecting a primary competitor,Amazon’s second-generation Echo Dot, introduced in October 2016 as a replacement for thefirst-generation Echo Dotunveiled in March of that same year. ...
Q.which one is better google home mini vs amazon echo dot Ans. Amazon echo dot is better than Google home. Q.which one is better Amazon Echo (2nd gen vs Google Home) Ans. Amazon echo 2nd gen is better than Google home. Q.which one is better Amazon Echo Dot (4th generation vs Goog...