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With programs likeBluestacks, you can enjoy the look, feel, and functionality of your phone’s Android OS right from your home computer. While there are a handful ofemulatorsto choose from, Bluestacks is known for its reliability, easy layout, and customization options. To get started, downlo...
How To Connect Google Home To An Already-Set-Up Device The above steps are for linking a brand-new device, but you might encounter a situation where the device is already set up in your home, a smart TV, for instance. If it has a built-in Chromecast, it might not show on your lis...
SmartThings 可與經過認證的 Google Assistant 裝置配合使用,並可用於控製配對了 SmartThings 的燈光、插座。 1開啟 SmartThings 後,點選功能表(☰)。 2點選語音助理,選擇 Google Assistant。 3閱讀螢幕上說明後,開啟 Google Assistant。 4點選設定。 5點選右下角新增(+)。
FAQ for Apps & Services. Find more about connect devices connected to other services Google Home, Alexa to SmartThings App with Samsung Support.
当您使用浏览器(例如 Chrome)时,它会将网站中的一些信息保存在缓存和 Cookie 中。清空缓存和 Cookie 可以解决某些问题,例如网站上的加载问题或格式问题。 在 Chrome 中 在计算机上打开 Chrome。 在右上角,依次点击“更多”图标
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To connect Google Home app and devices to Wi-Fi you will also need: A Google Nest speaker or display. Latest version of the Google Home app. A Google Account (Gmail account). A mobile phone or tablet with Bluetooth turned on. An internet connection and secure wireless network. ...
Here are several ways to connect Google Home or Nest to Wi-Fi, or reconnect to Wi-Fi if a previous connection has dropped or been interrupted. Update the Google Home App The first thing to check is whether the Google Home app is up-to-date. If you have not updated the app for a w...