=ArrayFormula(QUERY(QUERY(IFERROR(IF({1,1,0},IF({1,0,0},INT((ROW($A:A)-1)/20),MOD(ROW($A:A)-1,20)),importXML($A:$A,”//span[@class=’snl phone’] | //meta[@property=’og:zillow_fb:address’]/@content | //meta[@property=’product:price:amount’]/@content| //div...
hey guys I found a way to get the new experimental design on pixel launcher in order to do that you need to have root go to /data/data/com.google.android.apps.nexuslauncher/shared_prefs and open and set Test__pixel_pandit and QSBFeature__qsb_is_in_experiment to true then open... ...
It's a pretty tough call. TheFold lends itself to be used like a "normal phone" so much, that you will often find yourself not even opening it up. Then, the question arises — why would we pay for the unfoldable experience at all?
This year, Google has upgraded it to a much taller 6.3-inch display that genuinely just kinda looks and feels like a Pixel 9 when you use it one-handed. You could conceivably go through a whole day without ever unfolding it if you wanted to....
The May 2023 security update has gradually started hitting thePixel 7series and any devices as old as the OG Pixel 4a in the form of software versionTQ2A.230505.002. A few carrier models will get a slightly different release with theTQ2A.230505.002.A1build tag. If you don't want to wait...
That said, if you already know you're not going to take advantage of the Soli chip and Sleep Sense, then save yourself $10 and purchase the OG Nest Hub instead for $90. Since it has the same design and mostly all of the same features, you're really not missing out on anything othe...
Check the box to enable the XML sitemap functionality. Then you can click on the button to go to the link to your sitemap. It’ll most likely be something along the lines of: “https://dominiquej.com/sitemap_index.xml” The part that you’re going to copy and paste into GWT is the...