当我们在代码中调用gmail的smtp邮件服务器时,经常会被认为是不安全访问而被拒绝登录,那么就需要在google的管理后台设置“google不安全应用访问” 1.个人免费邮箱 在登录google账号状态下,浏览器输入: https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps 如下图:点击启用 2.google企业邮箱设置步骤 ...
1.打开谷歌邮箱并登录,访问链接:gmail.com 2.点击右上角Settings设置 3.点击See all settings 4.点击Accounts and import 5.点击Change password recovery options 6.在Security里 7.在Recovery email处,点击Update needed 8.如果需要再次登录,登录即可。如果没有再次登录,忽略此步。9.输入自己的其他邮箱,方便...
1.打开谷歌邮箱并登录,访问链接:http://gmail.com 2.点击右上角Settings设置 3.点击See all settings 4.点击Accounts and import 5.点击Change password recovery options 6.在Security里 7.在Recovery email处,点击Update needed 8.如果需要再次登录,登录即可。如果没有再次登录,忽略此步。 9.输入自己的其他邮箱...
首先登录谷歌账户, 访问 https://www.google.com/settings/security/lesssecureapps 把"不够安全的应用的访问权限" 启用打勾 即可 我找这东西找半天了... 因为其他设备登录不了gmail... 终于解决了
https://security.google.com/settings/security/activity 当然,如果经常使用国外 VPN,这个设定对你来说一定很烦人。不过不管怎样,只要你的账户在异地登陆,一定会有一个提示在你登陆 Google 后页面的页首出现。如果你真的担心账户被别人盗取,请点击这个链接。
(操作步骤:右上角小圆点→ settings→ privacy and security→ clear browsing data→ clear data) 3. 切换别的浏览器再重新注册试试。 4. 科学上网工具切换一个节点,重新注册。 5. 在手机浏览器上注册。 6. 把之前注册的信息修改一下:密码,邮箱,或者把姓和名位置调换。
services, including Google Workspace, are managed by domain administrators. Although some user configuration steps are the same, administrators can set policies that affect security settings. If your Gmail account is provided by your employer, check with them about best practices for securing ...
When you set up Google Authenticator for 2-factor authentication, the account security settings will either display a QR code or a 32-digit code (or both). Click the “+” button on the top right corner of the authenticator app and choose “Scan barcode”. If you only have one device,...
As of May 14th, 2021, Gmail introduced a new tier called Standard Pack, which allows users to enjoy standard benefits including support for labels, priority inbox, VIP status, and enhanced security settings. However, unlike previous versions, new members will automatically enroll in Standard Pack....
On theSecuritypage, chooseBasic settings. And then check the check-box next toAllow users to turn on 2-step verification. Your users can now turn on two-step verification and create an app password as described here:Prepare your Gmail account for connecting to Outlook and Mi...