google企业邮箱,登录地址为, 输入账号和密码即可登录。登录后可以进行发件收件等操作,方法跟gmail公共邮箱几乎一模一样。 Google workspace的管理后台地址是, 登录的账号就是你最开始设置的管理员账号,输入密码就可以进入。很方便。 6. Google企业邮箱如何增加邮箱账号和删除邮箱账号 登录Google...
Welcome Google Workspace admin Sign in Browse help topics Set up services for your business (Gmail, Drive, etc.) Service access and sync options Billing and subscriptions Users and domains (Helpdesk) Advanced deployments and business features
Business Plus Maximum storage, security, video capabilities, and more. Starting At $9.00/mo* Office collaboration tools + Google power. No better combo. Enjoy using Gmail for business, 30 GB of cloud document storage, and so much more. All wrapped up in the Google guarantee of quality, ease...
Once you have purchased and set up your business email, you must sign into your admin email account to accept the Google Workspace product agreement. To access your business email: Go to yourBusiness Emailpage. ClickGo to Gmail. Note: If you're already signed in to your google account,...
Google Workspace is more than just a Business Email Solution Google Workspace formerly called G Suite, or Google Apps for Business, is a productivity and collaboration tool provided by Google. It includes Gmail for your custom domain, Calendar for managing appointments and tasks, Google Drive for ...
Compare Gmail features across Google Workspace editions Gmail features and capabilities are different depending on your edition of Google Workspace. Use the tables below to compare editions in each product category. Business EducationEnterprise Gmail features for Business editions (1-300 users) Email addr...
For Government or Google Drive to OneDrive for Business (China) migrations, selectOneDrive GCC/Chinaendpoint types instead ofOneDrivein your destination endpoint selection. OneDrive Prerequisites Create an admin account in Microsoft 365 for the migration, or use the global admin account for the tenant...
Turn on accessibility features in your Google Admin console To meet the accessibility needs of your users, you can change Gmail and Chrome OS settings in your Google Admin console for all or just a specific set of users. For Gmail (available for Google Workspace customers only), you can turn...
对于“迁移类型”,请选择“ Google Workspace (Gmail) 迁移”。 然后选择“下一步”。 在“Google 工作区迁移的先决条件 ”页上,选择“ 启动”。 使用Google 管理员帐户和密码登录。 在“EAC 迁移需要访问 Google 帐户 ”页上,选择“ 继续”。 然后,EAC 迁移将在 Google Workspace 中执行迁移所需的四项任务。
Help and support Google Workspace Admin help center For help with the domain purchased with your Google Workspace account, go to the Google Domains help center. Learning Center: Expert tips on using Drive , Gmail, and more for business. Contact Google Workspace Support Give feedback about this...