昨天无意中注意到Google的新logo,感觉挺有意思的,为了纪念吃豆子(Pac-Man)游戏发布30周年,Google在首页推出了其有史以来第一次真正的互动性和可玩的Logo,整个游戏界面围绕Google字样构成,配色配音全部尊重原著。 Google has unveiled a Pac-Man doodle to celebrate the game’s 30th anniversary. You can play th...
1. Pacman Pacman Doodle version is one of the most popular Google doodle games. It is a classic and one of the most popular arcade games of all time. Pacman is a maze action game released in 1980. Google released the Pacman doodle version in 2010 on the 30th Anniversary of PAC-MAN....
[iframe http://game.botaowei.org/pacman/pacman.html 660 340] 鼠标停留在上面还会显示关于PAC-MAN的版权说明 PAC-MAN30th Brithday!Doodle with PAC-MAN ™&©1980 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc Google的法律意识还真不错,国内那只企鹅真应该多学学人家 相关链接:Google PAC-MAN30th Anniversary下载 感谢朱俊...
Doodle with PAC-MAN ™&©1980 NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc Google的法律意识还真不错,国内那只企鹅真应该多学学人家 相关链接:Google PAC-MAN30th Anniversary下载感谢朱俊独立博客
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To play a live version:http://macek.github.com/google_pacman Or download the source and run it offline. Sound in Offline Mode A snippet from Adobe.com For example, a trusted local HTML file may permit an untrusted local SWF to script it by setting allowScriptAccess="always". However, ...
PAC-MAN (Play Games) 2023.08.46243 13 🆖 Requires GMS, keyboard supported PC Creator 2 - Computer Tycoon 4.1.5 13 ❌ Mouse does not work with the tutorial, so it cannot be completed Penguin Isle 1.59.1 13 - 5 ✅ Great performance, but UI size breaks with weird resolutions. Plan...
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最后,提供一个已安装 WSA 的开源项目:wsa_pacman 适用于 Android 的 Windows 子系统 (WSA) 的 GUI...