Epic Games最初于2020年8月13日对谷歌提起诉讼——同一天,它也起诉了苹果。这家游戏开发商通过对其超热门游戏《堡垒之夜》进行意外更新,试图绕过两家科技巨头30%的应用内购买费用。对此,两家科技公司报复性地将《堡垒之夜》从其应用商店下架,却没料到,这两家巨头冷不防就遭遇了的#FreeFortnite运动和两起诉讼,指...
被下架后,Epic针对苹果的行为做出了一系列回应,包括一项反垄断诉讼,在YouTube和Fortnite内部公开一段视频嘲讽“苹果税”,同时,Epic也呼吁广大游戏迷们支持其与苹果的抗争来#FreeFortnite。 根据Sensor Tower的数据,截至目前,“堡垒之夜”玩家在苹果商城的支出已达到12亿美元,在苹果设备上下载估计超过1.33亿次。 Epic ...
现在有消息指出,Google 曾经为了「利落」解决《Fortnite》(堡垒之夜)的分润战争,思考收购 Epic Games 部分或全部股份以解决问题。根据 The Verge 取得的法律文件指出,Epic 指控 Google 认为 Epic Games 的计划(避开 Google Play 从其他管道上架游戏)会造成问题「蔓延」。下面是文件里面,Epic Games 对此事的指...
Apple and Google have removed Fortnite from their app stores after it introduced a new way to buy the online game's virtual currency that circumvents the tech giants' payment systems.
interesting to see if Google will change or update any of its policies that relate to games like Fortnite in response to this move by Epic Games. In the meantime, though, feel free to download Fortnite from the Play Store using the link below. As always, the game is free-to-play for...
if not impossible. You could try it on iPhone via Nvidia’s GeForce Now butonly if you got into a closed beta. But now, Epic Gameshas decided to partner with the company it spurned— Microsoft — and is puttingFortnite onpretty much anything with a screen for free via the Xbox Cloud ...
Google 曾考虑收购 Epic Games,为了摆平《Fortnite》法律战 眼看着「战友」Apple 在这场大战没有处于绝对下风。 Google 近日提出一份诉讼内容,大部分观点与苹果占上风的平台规约相关类似;两家大厂均认为 Epic Games 违反平台规定在先(使用外部支付),不当获利属实,下架纯属正常。在先前的指控里面,Epic Games ...
现在有消息指出,Google 曾经为了「利落」解决《Fortnite》(堡垒之夜)的分润战争,思考收购 Epic Games 部分或全部股份以解决问题。 根据The Verge 取得的法律文件指出,Epic 指控 Google 认为 Epic Games 的计划(避开 Google Play 从其他管道上架游戏)会造成问题「蔓延」。
一波未平一波又起,Epic Games 与苹果还没吵完,Google 已经动手反告 Epic Games,算一笔《Fortnite》在 Play Store 上架又不遵守平台规定的旧帐。 9 月初 Epic Games 与 Apple 大战最新结果,法院强制 Apple 必须开放第三方支付,但 Epic Games 必须为了《Fortnite》iOS 版加入直接付款机制,违反 App Store 规范一...
Today, Epic Games has decided to file a lawsuit against both Apple and Google after both companies removed Fortnite form their platform app stores (Google Play and Apple App Store). Firstly, Apple has decided to remove the Fortnite app to form its App Store because the game vio...