Microsoft Formsとは異なり、Googleフォームでは、線形スケール、ドロップダウン、複数選択など、さまざまな質問形式が提供されています。 「Q&Aに関しては、Googleフォームの方が Microsoft Formsよりも間違いなく優れています」とハーパー氏は言います。「質問形式やセクション分けの幅が広いの...
Microsoft Forms: Includes basic question types like multiple-choice, text, and ranking. It has fewer templates and question formats but offers unique features like Net Promoter Score and branching logic for more dynamic forms. Integration and Collaboration Google FormsIntegrates seamlessly with Google Wo...
Unlike Microsoft Forms, Google’s form builder gives users several question formats, including linear scale, multiple choice, and drop-down. Just like Microsoft Forms, Google Forms branching allows users to go to different sections of the form based on their answers. Microsoft Forms Highlights With...
Though Microsoft Forms doesn't have the best templates collection, it has a variety of catchy and graphic themes, including drawings. These play a significant role in enhancing the look and feel of the form. On the contrary, Google Forms has old pastel themes of some solid colors. Related:H...
Amidst news that Google has adopted a new logo (and everything that comes along with that), Sundar Pichai let slip that Google is joining the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix, and others to form the Alliance for Open Media (AOM). The organization's goal is to collabora...
无法在Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft®Edge、Microsoft®Internet Explorer或Apple Safari中打开基于XFA的PDF forms
無法在Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft®Edge、Microsoft®Internet Explorer或Apple Safari中開啟XFA型PDF forms
云端总部网站: 应用程序网站: 价格: 支持页面: 博客:https://blog.cloudhq.net显示更多 无用户评价 排序方式 最...
Effortlessly track new or updated responses in your Google Forms spreadsheet with this workflow. Once a response is added or modified, the automation generates a draft email in Microsoft Outlook for you to review and send, containing all the essential info...
移轉至 Microsoft 365 移轉管理員的新增功能 SPMT 的新增功能 移轉解決方案海報 解決方案 移轉檔案共用 從Box 遷移 從Google Workspace 移轉 概觀 步驟1:連線到 Google Workspace 步驟2:掃描和評估 步驟3:複製到移轉清單 步驟4:檢閱目的地路徑 步驟5:對應身分識別 步驟6:移轉和監控 從Dropbox 移轉 從Egnyte...