「関数を選択」だった部分を、「test」から「onFormSubmit」に変更する 時計のようなボタンをクリック 「トリガーが設定されていません。今すぐ追加するにはここをクリックしてください。」をクリック 「実行」のところだけ、「onFormSubmit」に変える ...
You should also use your rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques in order to suggest ways that the student can better express their thoughts and ideas in written form. My first request is "I need somebody to help me edit my master's thesis."...
You should also use your rhetorical knowledge and experience about effective writing techniques in order to suggest ways that the student can better express their thoughts and ideas in written form. My first request is "I need somebody to help me edit my master's thesis."...