google-webfonts-helper 是一个用于下载 Google Web 字体 (.eot, .woff, .woff2, .svg, .ttf) 和自定义 CSS 片段
In most cases, a combination of WOFF2 and WOFF is enough. See for a current status. -h, --help Display this message and exit. -l LANGSPEC, --languages=LANGSPEC Download the specified subset of languages from Google's webfonts. LANGSPEC is a ...
Download and installFontra Pak Fontra Pakis a Fontra distribution for macOS and Windows. It is a self-contained Fontra server application, which allows you to view and edit fonts in the default browser. We don't have releases for it yet, but you can grab the latest nightly build from ...
reactfontsvuejslaravelvuereactjssveltewebfontsweb-fontsgoogle-fontsvue-pluginwoff2woffwebfontgooglefontsvitevuejs3vitejsvite-pluginlaravel-vite UpdatedJan 22, 2025 TypeScript rosettatype/yrsa-rasa Sponsor Star247 Code Issues Pull requests Yrsa & Rasa: fonts for Latin and Gujarati ...
,也应该知道各个浏览器都支持(包括IE6),只是各自对字体文件的格式的支持不一样。 为什么要 ...
我在使用adminTLE后台模板时,有时候会有 not found ,timeout,等错误,显然一个原因就是google被墙
Follow our tutorial on how to migrate your web fonts from Google Fonts CDN to your own CDN. Reduce HTTP requests and DNS lookups to speed up your website.
/* latin */ @font-face { font-family: 'Bodoni Moda'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400 900; src: url( format('woff2'); } body { font-family: 'Bodoni Moda'; font-size: 20px; f...
fontsFont[]RobotoDefines which fonts and it's variants and subsets to download. formatsString[]woff, woff2Specifies which formats to download. Valid options areeot,ttf,woffandwoff2. encodeBooleantrueWhether should encode to base64. cacheBooleantrueWhether FS caching should be checked before sending...
//send the appropriate fonts. For example, providing a wget's //user-agent will end with the download of .ttf fonts. //Default user-agent downloads .woff2 fonts. userAgent:'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36'+ ...