privacy_sandbox/reach_whitepaper private_covariance_estimation private_kendall private_personalized_pagerank private_sampling private_text_transformers procedure_cloning property_linking protein_lm protenn protnlm protoattend protseq proxy_rewards pruning_identified_exemplars pse psyborgs...
Figure 9:向 FLAN 添加少样本样本是提高指令调整模型性能的补充方法 从21-23年,Google Jason Wei等,连续发表FLAN系列paper,FLAN这个概念,从一开始特指一个LLM,到成为Instruction Tuning的范式FLAN(Finetuned Language Net) Timelines: 23.2 Flan-23-Collection:Google/Jason Wei,Ref300+ 22.10 FLAN-22:Google/Jaso...
The first is the original Flan 2021, documented inFinetuned Language Models are Zero-Shot Learners, and the second is the expanded version, called the Flan Collection, described inThe Flan Collection: Designing Data and Methods for Effective Instruction Tuningand used to produceFlan-T5andFlan-PaLM...
WebAgent结合了通用模型Flan-U-PaLM和专用模型HTML-T5 3. 关键结论 作者的研究表明 1. 将任务规划和HTML文档总结耦合到领域专用模型中(即HTML领域大模型, e.g., HTML-T5),对于提高任务成功率具有关键作用;2. 在完成基于HTML类数据的任务方面,HTML-T5目前具有SOTA表现。
one place, formats them into a mix of zero-shot, few-shot and chain-of-thought templates, then mixes these in proportions that are found to achieve strong results on held-out evaluation benchmarks, as reported for Flan-T5 and Flan-PaLM in the Scaling Flan paper and Flan Collection paper...
gs://gresearch/causallm_icl/flan_t5decplm_base gs://gresearch/causallm_icl/flan_t5dec_large gs://gresearch/causallm_icl/flan_t5decplm_large gs://gresearch/causallm_icl/flan_t5dec_xl gs://gresearch/causallm_icl/flan_t5decplm_xl To switch between prefixLM and causalLM attentio...
For the t5x decoder_only models (Sec 5.3), please refer to how to launch. The architecture gin files of our models are available in the gins/ subdirectory. We pretrained each model on the C4 data for 1M steps and then finetuned them on FLAN. ...
ul2 Update UL2 README to fix FLAN-UL2 checkpoint path. Apr 3, 2023 uncertainties update header Mar 29, 2023 understanding_convolutions_on_graphs Open-source Colab notebook for spectral representations of natural im… Jun 30, 2021 universal_embedding_challenge update header Mar 29, 2023 unproces...
t5_closed_book_qa Open-sourcing the code for "CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Con… Jan 23, 2024 tabnet Open-sourcing the code for "CLIP as RNN: Segment Countless Visual Con… Jan 23, 2024 tag Improve instructions to reproduce TAG. Jan 7, 2022 talk_about_random_splits Open-sour...