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Show icons from: Font Awesome 5 Font Awesome 4 Bootstrap GoogleFont Awesome 5:Font Awesome 4:fa fa-500px  Try it fa fa-address-book  Try it fa fa-address-book-o  Try it fa fa-address-card  Try it fa fa-address-card-o  Try it...
3)From the left sidebar, pickImageto add a photo/logo as your watermark, or clickTextto use words as the watermark. Here are the steps for both: Image watermark ClickSelect Imageand upload your desired image, or choose one from your Google Photos, Drive, etc. Once you select the image,...
Google PageSpeed Insights undertakes a more general approach– it derives data from the experience of real-time visitors to your website. In addition, PSI evaluates your website in a controlled environment, which provides results that developers will find useful. Thus, PageSpeed Insights paints a ...
If you have Google Maps embedded on your website, you have the same problem as with YouTube videos, because the “Roboto” font is used here as well. The font cannot be removed, so you should upload a screenshot of the map image instead. By doing so, you replace interactive content ...
When you find aweb safe fontthat you like, go ahead and click on it to view different styles available. You can select the styles you would like to use on your website. Next, click on the ‘View Selected Families’ button, which will open a sidebar. ...
You can modify all the same settings as you would in Google Docs—for example, the font style, size, weight, color, and text alignment. You can also assign unique names to your custom styles, making them easier to differentiate. And there's an option to help you quickly find all instanc...
The benefit of this second method is that you can disable the font requests individually, rather than all at once. This can be useful if you do want to keep some of the fonts. First, view the source of your website and search for the code `fonts.google.com. You should find one or...
Once you've edited the header image to your liking, click Done. It's worth mentioning that you'll likely have to try out a few images before you find one that works with Google Forms' odd aspect ratio. For example, in this photo of Zapier's unofficial mascot, Winston, the cropping to...
Find the file quickly by selecting theRecenttab in the left-side menu. Finally, right-click the file, chooseOpen with, and thenGoogle Docs. An image will open in Google Docs with the picture on top and the text below it. This text will be editable, so you can easily copy and paste ...